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You felt your chest light up, beaming at his reply. But after looking at Mei again, seeing her pulling her mother in the circle, not budging one bit, you already knew it's no use for singing to make the ritual work. "but... we're already too late," you mumbled, looking down sadly as Miriam placed a comforting hand behind your back, while Abby cuddled into your other side, Priya joining in resting her hand to the short one's head. "The ritual won't work unless she gets in the circle."

You suddenly heard a loud clang of something being shattered, before a large pink mist explodes through the ground of the stadium, causing you to cough at the unplanned outbreak. You glance back at the source of it, seeing another red panda who's standing proud for a moment before dashing towards the mother-daughter. "Pull, Mei-Mei!"

"Grandma?" Meilin asked, not expecting the elderly to become a panda when she's the one who despite the panda for taking her close relationship with her daughter.

"I'm not losing my daughter!" She stated, her scar made her panda look unique in some way, the elder spun her head to the other ladies, "Don't just stand there!" without hesitation, the four-woman sprinted towards them, taking out all different types of accessories, which holds their panda, smashing them to transform into a various version of the red panda. from big to small, their features are similar to their natural faces. 

"They're pulling her," Priya muttered, her gaze is full of admiration for seeing super-natural beyond her. Abby just watched in silence, mouth open as she stared at them with wide eyes. 

"The ritual, we can still help them!" the twin-braids exclaim, smiling as the family worked together, pulling the enormous panda into the circle. "we can do the background music, you guys can still perform!" Miriam turned around, looking at the band with hopeful eyes, the four of you mimicking it in the background. 

The 4-Town members exchanged glances for a split second, "you heard her, let's go." Robaire stated, slowly starting to jog his way to the destroyed stage. The other four followed him without hesitation, Aaron T cheering a bit to boost their mood to perform.

"Mic, we need a mic," said you, and began to run into a pile of debris, looking for a microphone so the music will be heard in all different places in the arena. Behind you— Tyler was quick to follow, also searching for the object, making the others join in as well. 

The five of you all gathered once you have anything you found useful, (except Tyler and Miriam, they didn't find anything, sadly). Abby found a mic, Priya found a mic stand, while you found two drum sticks. 

The pandas' started to sing their traditional song, causing all of you to put all the things together in a quick action, you gave Tyler the sticks which made him confused about how he will use them considering that there are no drums near them. "What am I supposed to do with this?"

"Click them together, made a rhythm. Jeez," Miriam commented, holding the boy's wrist and started to click the two sticks making a sound. You set up the mic, and you placed it as the tall one got to her position.

"Louder! Sing from the heart!" an old man shouted from the top of the arena, the moon shining brightly behind him, a quarter of it is covered in red.

"Louder! the circle isn't working!" Yelled Jin, worried about his family, as much as he wanted to help, all he can do for now is stand by the side and support them.

turning on the switch on the mic, Miriam started to beatbox a familiar tone, you and the other friends followed her rhythm, doing the same thing you did at her house when she needed comforting, plus Tyler who is accomplishing the exact instruction the twin-braided told him to do.

Mei looked at her friends, grateful that they were doing their best to help her, smiling at the sight of them giving her a determined look. A couple of voices is heard from above, her ears lifted glancing at the file of debris past her. "Oh, I never met nobody." Robaire sang, leading the song with his bandmates, their voices in sync. The sight of them made Meilin gasp, tears started to flood her glowing brown eyes. "Never met, never met, never met!

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