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You hate having arguments with your mom, considering that it won't go anywhere. 

You took a deep breath, gripping tightly at your bag that contains your clothes, pajamas, anything important, and the markers that Miriam wants you to bring for the sleepover. You pinch the bridge of your nose, as your mom continued to yell. 

The plan is easy, the four of you will claim to have a sleepover at Miriam's this Friday and will come back home on Sunday, so you can sneak to the concert on Saturday night, easy peasy.

The problem is that your parents, mostly your mother, don't trust sleepovers. It's like she's a psychic and already knows what will happen during the Slumber party, which is: you're gonna die. as funny as it sounds, she's serious about it. 

"Mom, I'm not gonna die." you simply said at her, scratching your head in weariness, this has been going on for 30 minutes while your father just watch the chaos that's happening beyond him, sometimes sliding into your side. "Miriam nor her parents would do such a thing."

"Maybe you should just let her, she's already thirteen." 

"I'm just being realistic, she's not going anywhere." she reasoned to your dad, and no, you're not backing down. This is a once-in-a-lifetime concert, all you need is for her to let you go since you're gonna be gone for a few days and if you didn't inform her, she might break into the house of Wexler's. "It's dangerous. plus, if there is bo-"

"it's not dangerous," you sighed, [cat. name] rubs themself into your shin, making you pick them up, before snuggling into their fur, calming yourself, "and it's just Miriam, Abby, and Priya, no boys, and Mom, I need to go. They're waiting for me." you begged, but it's for the best. this is better than leaving a letter on your bed that you left to go to Miriam's, you don't want your friends to deal with your problems if she shows up unexpectedly, Not after the incident at Tyler's party.

The woman is about to protest once again, but your father cut her words off, "alright, be careful and come back Sunday afternoon." He nodded at you, making you smile brilliantly. You waste no time rushing towards the door, after putting your cat down.

"You're the best, dad!" You called out, taking your [shoes/sandals] with you as you run barefoot toward the outside. "see you guys soon, love you!" you waved, as you hurriedly putting your [shoes/sandals], giggling a bit when you saw your mom frowning at your dad as they stood by the open door, knowing she won't do anything once he decided to let you go do your thing, it's just a waste of breath since you're already running away. 

Just before you got inside the bus, you run back launching yourself into your parents hugging them, "I'll be back, I promise." you swore, peeking a brief kiss on their cheeks before running off to the vehicle, waving an arm over at them, the beam never left your face.

"I don't understand why you always let her go." Mrs. [last. name] grumbled, crossing her arms over her chest, leaning slightly over to her husband.

"She's already a teenager, love. Like it or not, she's gonna come and go. Let her live her life." He stated, kissing his wife with a smile, "I know you're worried since she's our only daughter but [nickname] is growing up, just go with it." The man said, resting his head on top of hers, hugging from behind. 

"fine, I'll let her go," she voiced, rubbing her face. "But my rules about her having a boyfriend-"

"Oh, I'm on your side on that one, don't worry."


Miriam paced around her room, glancing at the clock once in a while. Abby sat on the twin braids' skateboard, pushing on her feet to move around the room, Priya just laid on the bed looking through Miriam's old photos on a book. "Do you think she got out?" the short one inquired, skating over to the Indian-Canadian's side, also peaking over the aged pictures.

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