Chapter 16: The Party Pt.2

Start from the beginning

Becky: Daddy, can you lay in bed with me till I fall asleep?

Lenny: What do you mean? I thought you are sleepy. That's why we came up here.

Becky: Please lay down.

Lenny: I'll lay down with you, then. I just... There's a party going on, but...

Becky: Can you tell me a story?

Guy: Look who was in the neighborhood! Some of Lenny's friends from the old J. Geils Band!

Lenny: All right. I'll tell you a story. Once upon a time, there was a hand, and the hand faced-raked the child. Sleep! Slee...Sleep!

Wiley: Boy, Feder's cranking his old rock and roll records pretty loud. Guess he's never heard of neighbors. Why you stopping here?

Penny: I need some air.

Wiley: You need some air? We haven't even gotten to the party yet.

Penny: I would appreciate it if you would stop trying to "manage" me.

Wiley: Word, word. Want me to stay and wait with you?

Penny: I just want to be alone!

Wiley: Yo, don't believe the hype. Boy!

Becky: Daddy, I can't fall asleep without Mr. Gigglesworth or Cassie. You told me they would be okay.

Lenny: they will be. I...they just needs to rest a little bit longer, okay?

Becky: Please, Daddy. I need to see them.

Lenny: I can't get Cassie here sweetie, I wish I could but I can't and Gigglesworth, he had a very rough day. But I'll get him for you, because you need to see him.

Nick: Doing leg lifts. I workout when I can, you know?

Lenny: Why are you naked?

Nick: Global warming.

Lenny: Why is this empty? Where is Gigglesworth?

Kyle: Hey, hey. I'm sorry, man. Were you looking for this?

Lenny: Why's he look good?

Kyle: I sewed him.

Lenny: You sew? Where'd you learn how to sew?

Kyle: Gay camp.

Lenny: You went to gay camp? You're gay?

Kyle: No, no. No, I mean, I'm gay, but no, there's no such thing as gay camp, man. It was a joke. I learned to sew from my dad, who was a tailor. I've been sewing since I was Becky's age. Here.

Lenny: This is great. Gigglesworth's okay, you're not fooling around with my wife, and you got a pee stain.

Nick: That is not mine.

Dante: I am the law!

Marcus: Ah! Come on, big man, Lenny's got, like, 12 bathrooms.

Fluzoo: I don't got to go to the bathroom. I'm just enjoying the water. *Pisses*

People: *yells* Get out. Hurry! Hurry!

Dante: Oh, Fluzoo, come on! That's not even warm. It's hot.

Dickey: I got to give it to your old man for one thing. He could always throw a party.

Greg: This is my dad's party?

Dickey: Check out your girlfriend in the Pat Benatar outfit.

Greg trips on a cord and the music stops but Charlotte keeps singing until she notices that its quite and the spot light is on her while everyone looks at her

Kurt: Charlotte, that was amazing. Where'd you learn to sing like that?

Charlotte: No place. I just sing a little in the shower.

Bumpty: Maybe you should stick to the shower.

Deanne: Bumpty! Do me a favor and shut your mouth before I slap that Mohawk into a chin strap.

Mariah Carey (guy from the bus): How about this?

Keithie: No.

Mariah Carey: What about that? Does that hurt? Is that hurting you?

Keithie: Yes, it is hurting me.

Mariah Carey: oh. Okay. Well, let me do it some more.

Lenny: Hey. Who invited you guys?

Dance teacher: Your beautiful wife does.

Tommy: Well, she invited her, and naturally, we assumed it was a plus one. There a problem?

Lenny: No, I was gonna say, great Terminator outfit and Robert Palmer thing you got on, and...

Tommy: Nice babble.- You got something to say?

The oldest Feder pt. 2Where stories live. Discover now