Chapter 3: First day of school

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Bean: Come on, Becky, it's 8:00. School starts at 8:15. That means we only have 25 minutes.

Becky: Daddy, Cassie, you promise Mr. Gigglesworth will be better by bedtime?

Cassie: Will you stop worrying about him? He'll be fine. I love you. Have the best last day, okay? Okay.

Becky: Bye, guys. Bye. Daddy.

Lenny: And you read the street signs, okay? Don't let Bean. My God, riding their bikes to school. Couldn't do that in L.A. with the nuts out there. Yeah, 'cause thank God there's no crazy people out here.

What Lenny didn't know is that he spoke too soon, here comes Nick the bus driver, driving bad down the road

Lenny: How you doing, Nick?

Nick: My wife's leaving me after three weeks.

Cassie: Three weeks? That's not bad for you. What happened?

Nick: She found me eating a banana with my butt.

Lenny: Ah. And she didn't like that?

Nick: Yeah, she got really bummed out, but, you know, I shouldn't have done it at her mom's house.

Cassie: You seem like you're a little extra out of it today. What's going on?

Nick: Yeah, I'm a little medicated. I met a very reliable doctor at a Cypress Hill concert, and he floated me a couple pills just to feel better, you know.

Lenny kicks Nick out of the drivers seat and sits down to drive the bus, Cassie gets on the bus because she has nothing to do today. The next stop is the McKenzie's house

Lenny: Ladies and gentlemen, meet your new bus driver.

Kurt: Finally got yourself a job.

Lenny: Actually I'm filling in for Drool-io lglesias back there.

Cassie: Hey, Deanne, happy anniversary.

Deanne: Oh! Thank you, Cassie

Kurt: Cassie remembered. Isn't that sweet? And I never got her pregnant.

Cassie: She forgot?

Kurt: Yeah, she forgot. I got the biggest get-out-of-jail-free card in the world.

Lenny: I want one of those.

Kurt: Oh, you ain't never get one like this. Hey, honey, I'm gonna take a ride to work with Lenny. Don't worry about forgetting the 20th. I'm sure you'll remember the 30th.

Dianne: I love you.

Kurt: Yeah, sure you do... Deep down. I'm gonna abuse this get-out-of-jail-free card, I'm telling you right now. I mean, maybe I'll walk on the good rug without taking off my boots. Or have a nice non-diet soda with my dinner. Not just one, either, a whole damn pitcher.

Lenny: Oh, so you're going full gangsta. Oh, yeah.

Kurt: But you know what I'd really like to do?

Cassie & Kurt: Throw a "first night of summer" party.

Kurt: Just one problem, though. My house isn't big enough. But yours is.

Lenny: Last party I had was senior year in high school.

Kurt: Yeah, that was, like, the best night of my life. We all hooked up with chicks.

Cassie: Come on, why not do that again?

Lenny: Because we already have chicks and kids and high cholesterol now, so just It's time to move on. You want to come over tonight with Dee, that's fine... I think. I got to ask my wife first.

Kurt: Okay, gangsta.

Blondie: Hey, hey, where'd you get those shoes, Losers "R" Us?

Donna: I made them.

Blondie: You made them? Where in a toilet?

Kurt: That kid's like white Precious.

Donna: Get lost, Duffy.

Keithie: Yeah, leave her alone.

Blondie: Hey, what'd you say, Hollywood? You got something to say to me?

Keithie; Nothing, nothing, nothing.

Cassie: Attention, Kmart shoppers, let's find a seat, please. Yes, you in the camouflage jacket and Mariah Carey hairdo. Yeah, just pop a squat, thank you.

Blondie: You're lucky your dad and sister here, but they won't be here all day.

Keithie: Leave me alone.

Cassie: Beanbag with arms and legs, seriously, take a seat, or seats, before someone gets hurt.

Blondie: You're dead, man.

At Roxanne's shop

Roxanne: I'm gonna go get some things done, and then I'm gonna go to my daughter's ballet recital, so you're on your own until lunchtime.

Worker: Oh, no worries. No one will come in anyway.

Roxanne: Right.

Worked: Does Leonard ever talk about me?

Roxanne: Leonard?

Worker: Your husband.

Roxanne: Oh, Lenny.

Worker: I probably should have told you this before I started working here, but he used to be my boyfriend.

Roxanne: When did you guys go out?

Worker: Sixth grade. This one time, we split a piece of bubble gum at recess. I brought in a note that he sent me, and I thought you should see it. I just felt weird having a secret with you.

Roxanne: "Do you like my hair better in a barrette or a headband?"

Worker: That's what I wrote.

Roxanne: "Barrette."

Worker: And that was his response. Does it bother you that I still wear it?

Roxanne: Oh, no, no, no, I think it's sweet.

Worker: I think he still has feelings for me.

Roxanne: I'm gonna go work out now.

Worker: Do you really think that a tight, toned body will keep him away from his Hubba Bubba baby?

Roxanne: I hope so. Bye.

Worker: You just messed with the wrong girl, chica!

At the school

Principal: They spray-painted my baby. Gee, and everything's spelled right. These can't be my students.

Cassie: Have a nice day, Rapunzel.

Principal: Hey, guys, can you believe this? Calendar turns to June, my wonderful students, they become animals.

Lenny: Maybe they're just mad that you keep going to the babyGap to buy your clothes.

Principal: How was your last ride in before the summer, Nick? Remember, today is only a half a day.

Cassie: And a half a shirt, right?

Principal: What?

Lenny: I said he wants to wave good-bye to you.

The oldest Feder pt. 2Where stories live. Discover now