Chapter 5: K-Mart

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Malcolm: Well, well, well, if it isn't Hollywood and the Squares.

Lenny: Hey, Malcolm, I didn't know you worked at Kmart, and apparently the hair on top of your head didn't know it, either.

Malcolm: What?

Eric: Do me a favor, go like this. I think I got something in my teeth.

Malcolm: What?

Kurt: You know, next time, you should use that Chia Pet stuff on your whole head.

Malcolm: What?

Cassie: Why is Higgins buying O.J.'s knife right now?

Kurt: Hey, Malcolm, is that the knife the Indians used to half-scalp you with?

Malcolm: I don't even get that. What?

Lenny: Oh, come on, let's cheer him up Benny Hill-style. Here we go. Come on, come on, come on, come on...

They all slap his head multiple times

Lenny: Yo, Crocodile Dumb-dee, how'd it go with the kid?

Marcus: Good, good. He's in school.

Lenny: Kid's in school for one day?

Marcus: I didn't know what else to do. He's a thug, Lenny. He cut the head off a teddy bear. Imagine what he'll do to me.

Cassie: So you're gonna buy this to cut his head off?

Lenny: No, I just want him to think I'll cut his head off so then he won't cut my head off.

Robideaux: You want to scare a relative without causing permanent injury? May I Suggest this?

He sprays himself in the face with pepper spray

Robideaux: Ahhh!

Worker: Sir? Sir? Can you get off the bed? It's wake-up time.

Nick: Yeah, all right, Grandma, I'm up! Stop yelling at me. I like sleeping over. It's just you always yell. You don't have to yell at me. I love you. I don't understand.

Worker: Clean-up, aisle nine.

Nick: Get out of me!

Worker: And bring a shovel.

Malcolm: So, my son Bumpty told me he's gonna ask your daughter out on a date at school today.

Kurt: First of all, my daughter's never been out on a date before, and I'm sure she's not gonna start off with some kid named Bumpty.

Malcolm: He is the only other black kid in her grade. Wait, you want her to date a white guy?

Kurt: Yeah, Farrakhan. I'd rather she date the whitest white guy in the world than your little bald-headed boy.

Malcolm: All right, but, you know, don't worry when she says yes, 'cause I already had the talk with him.

Kurt: What talk? Dating.

Malcolm: I told him how we used to roll with the ladies in high school.

Lenny: I should get some pepper spray for my kid. Some moron on the bus keeps messing with him, and he refuses to fight back.

Marcus: You know, that reminds me of someone I know.

Lenny: Who?

Cassie & Marcus: You.

Lenny: What are you talking about? I got in plenty of fights.

Robideaux: Remember ninth grade when Tommy Cavanaugh moved here from Texas? He nonstop abused you, and you did nothing about it.

Lenny: Tommy Cavanaugh was a 'roid freak. He had back zits on his back zits. Plus, he was joking around with me. If it was real, I swear to God, I would've knocked him out.

Eric: Hey, isn't that Cavanaugh right there?

Lenny: Where?

Lenny turns around and falls of the workout equipment

Eric: Gotcha.

Lenny: That was really funny, man, really funny. Hey, you weren't exactly Captain Courageous when we were growing up, now, were you?

Eric: Hey, I never backed out of a fight, though.

Lenny: Yeah, but did you ever jump off Suicide 35 at the quarry?

Marcus: Oh, that's right. He always came up with a lame excuse not to do it.

Eric: What are you talking about?

Marcus: "Oh, I can't. "I'm on my period. It'll attract sharks."

Robideaux: Suicide 35 off the top rock. 35 feet above the water. My mom did that jump when she was pregnant with me.

Nick: There's a raft in there?

Pulls the string and a raft pops out

Nick: Whoa! Who did that?

Cassie: dad we should go, we don't wanna be late for Becky's ballet recital

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