Chapter 9: After School Pt. 2

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Eric: Wow.

Lenny: Wow.

Marcus: 5-hour Energy, huh?

Eric: Yeah.

Marcus: 500-hour Energy?

Eric: I drink it for the taste,okay?

Marcus: Oh, my God, you gonna jog to Florida after this?

Kurt: Come on, just cram yourself in there.

Lenny: My body, it's just too big for this thing. I can't fit.

Cassie: Higgins, dummy, hop in this thing for a minute.

Marcus: For what?

Kurt: Just get in the tire.

Marcus: No way! In there?

Cassie: 5 yards we'll roll you.

Lenny: I would do it if I could get in there.

Marcus: This is peer pressure, you're bullying.

Lenny: And I promise you'll stop you and I love you.

Eric: Don't let him do it. He's jacked up on juice. And a-one, and a-two...

Lenny: Mommy's got you

Eric: and a-three!

Eric pushes the tire towards Lenny but Lenny get a phone call and answers his phone

Marcus: Okay, 5 feet. Grab me.

Lenny: Hello.

Marcus: Lenny!

Lenny: Hey, Keithie. Meet me at the football field,but don't tell your mother.

Marcus: Why am I still rolling? Lenny!

Lenny: Oops.

Marcus: Help! Guys. get me!

Cassie: Hang in there!

Marcus: I'm going downhill! Lenny! No! No! Help! Stop! No!

Dante: Tire on the loose! Fluzoo, shotgun, now!

Marcus: Someone!

Cassie: Higgins is in the tire!

Roxanne: Of course.-

Marcus: Help! Help!

Fluzoo: Show's over, tire.

Marcus: Ow! *Pukes*

Marcus: Hey! What happened?

Lenny: I got a phone call.

Marcus: Oh. Okay. I forgive you. Was it long-distance or something?

Dante: Don't want to kick a guy while he's down, Higgins, but we caught your son with a can of spray paint looking like he was up to no good.

Braden: You lied about the soup. You lied about the soup!

At the frat house

Andy: We are gonna find those fart heads, and we are gonna kill them.

Guys: Kill! Kill! Kill! Kill! Kill! Kill!

Andy: No, guys! Not each other! We're not killing each other!

At the school field

Donna: K-E-I-T-H-I-E. Keithie, Keithie, Keithie! Whoo!

Lenny: Uh-huh! It's a practice, Donna. You don't have to go full speed.

Donna: Sorry, Mr. Feder.

Lenny: It's fine! Hey, look at these giant mooses out there. You don't want to get in the middle of all that. Plus, the kicker, honestly, is like, one of the most important guys on the team and you don't have to worry about getting your head bashed in every play.

Keithie: I get it, Dad. I'm a wimp.

Cassie: You're not a wimp. It's just common sense. Avoid big idiots trying to hurt you.

Keithie: I was trying to avoid a big idiot trying to hurt me on the bus this morning, but he wouldn't leave me alone.

Lenny: Well, sometimes they won't let you avoid them, and you just... You can't backdown in those situations. I'm telling you, I've backed down a few times, it's not a good feeling. Alright, look, let's just kick a few field goals. It's like soccer, which you're great at. All you got to do is put your foot right through the ball.

Donna: Whoo!

Cassie: What? Touchdown! Yeah !Yeah! That's ridiculous! Your first try?

Lenny: All right, we're backing up, boy.

Donna: Keithie! That was so cool! That was just, like, awesome!

Lenny: Okay, drive through the ball. Drive through the ball. It's up!

Donna: Whoo! Yeah! Whoo! Go, Keithie!

Cassie: Yes! What did you eat this morning? All right, this is starting to get into, like, college level. From the 30!

Coach: Who the hell is this kid?

Donna: Oh, my God!

Cassie: I'm starting to think she has a little crush on you.

Keithie: Really?

Cassie: Either that or she got bit by a poisonous spider.

Donna: Keithie! Whoo!

Cassie: dad I'm going *she leaves)

Lenny: All right, let's see how you doin a real game situation, though. Okay? Let's pretend I'm a linebacker, and I'm gonna come at you and try and block it. Okay Set! Hike! I'm a crazy linebacker!

Keithie: My leg!

Donna: Keithie!

Roxanne: Don't tell your mother or sister!

Coach: All right, that kid's dead. Back to work.

The oldest Feder pt. 2Where stories live. Discover now