Chapter 10: The Accident

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Please note that this didn't actually happen in the movie. Also there is a crossover coming. So keep reading

Cassie Pov

After I left the school field in my car, I started driving down the highway because I had to pick something up when a car came speeding down the highway and it hit me. Totaling my car. My head hit the steering wheel and I blacked out.

Random person Pov

I was driving on the highway when I see a car speeding and it hit another car. I saw the persons head hit the steering wheel and I jumped out my car and ran to help. I looked to see if she was still awake but she wasn't. So I called 911 and gave them the details. The 911 operator said to see if I could get her car door open to check if she was still breathing and I could so I checked for a pulse and told the operator that she still had a pulse but it was weak. The operator said that help is on the way. So I waited with the girl until help got there. 10 minutes later help got there

Station 118 Pov (I know that grown ups 2 is placed in New England to pretend the 118 is in New England as well)

Bobby: we got a call about a crash on the highway. Let's go

Everyone gets in the truck while Hen and Chimney get in the Ambulance. They rush there as fast as they can and see the damage to car that was hit (Athena is already there)

Hen: Jesus that is bad

Bobby: well the person in the car that was hit is non responsive with a weak pulse so we have to work fast but make sure we don't do anymore damage to the person

Buck: okay, let's work

They walk over to the cars and see Athena talking to the guy in the car that was speeding. Eddie and Buck walked to the car to see if they need any tools to help get the person out. They saw all that they needed to do was to cut the seat belt so Eddie told Bobby to bring the seat belt cutter while Hen and Chimney got a stretcher and a neck brace. They got the girl out and put her on the stretcher making sure to be carful with her. Hen and Chimney put her into the ambulance and drove off to the hospital.

Athena's Pov

I got called to a crash on the highway and made my way there quickly. When I got there I saw a car that had hit another one and young looking kid that was panicking. I walked up to the said

Athena: excuse me, are you the owner of this car

Kid: yes, well kind it's my dads car, I didn't mean to hit her *crying*

Athena: why we're you speeding anyways

Kid: I was trying to get home before my dad noticed his car was missing

Athena: okay, are you hurt

Kid: No, no, I'm okay. Is she okay?

Athena: I'm not sure and I'm not going to check because the fire department and the paramedics will be here soon and it's their job to make sure she's okay. Alright? But I am gonna have to arrest you. So hands in the air

I arrest him and put him in the back of my cop car

I walked up to another guy who was sitting near the car

Athena: were you in the car with this young man or this young lady?

Guy: no ma'am, I saw the car hit her so I ran over to check if she was still awake but she wasn't so I called 911 and the operator said to try to open the car door and check if she was still breathing. I just stayed here making sure that she was taken care of

Athena: you're a great man

Guy: thank you

Athena: would you like to be notified how she is doing

Guy: yes please

Athena: okay, what's your name

Guy: Shawn Gray (Made up persn)

Athena: thanks Shawn, I'll let you know how she's doing when I get the details. Get on with the rest of your day, bye

Shawn: bye

Shawn left and I stayed to make sure that the fire department and paramedics got here before I left

118 Pov

Once the girl was loaded into the ambulance we rushed her to the hospital. When we got to the hospital, they rushed the girl into surgery and we all stayed there until her family got there.

This is what the cars looked like but you can picture it as the car that you drive or just picture a car you want to drive and pretend it's on a highway- No helicopter and pretend the back of the car has more damage then the front cause you didn't hit anyone

This is what the cars looked like but you can picture it as the car that you drive or just picture a car you want to drive and pretend it's on a highway- No helicopter and pretend the back of the car has more damage then the front cause you didn't...

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