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Eijiro rocked back and forth in his room. He hugged his knees to his chest, and his hair fell flat on his forehead.

"I need her," he muttered as he stared off to the side.

Katsuki sighed and leaned against the wall. He honestly had no idea what to do.

"Yo!" Denki exclaimed as he walked into the room. "What's-" his face fell. "up?"

"I think he heard ___ sing. He trashed the house, collapsed, then I found him like this."

"Dude." Denki kneeled in front of Eijiro and waved his hands in front of his face. "He isn't even blinking. Where is ___?"

"She went back home. Won't be back for another two days."

"I see," Denki said. "I have no idea what to do. Let's call Todoroki."

"Ugh, why?" Katsuki said.

Denki shrugged. "Maybe he will have an answer?"

"You're supposed to have the answer," Katsuki said while rolling his eyes.

"I guess all we can do is wait," Denki said. "Have you been sleeping?"


"Aw," Denki teased. "You're worried~"

"No. I just don't want that fucker to destroy my shit," Katsuki grumbled as he walked into his room.

"Where's your door?" Denki said.

"____ broke it."


____ peeked into the facility where Katsuki worked. "Surprise," she whispered.

No one was inside. She blinked at looked at the sun. "Huh, Katsuki no work?" She said. She walked inside and looked around.

"De-ki?" ___ called. "Uh," she paused. "Sho? De-ku?"

It was silent. ___ sniffed the air and looked around. "No one here." She plopped down at the desk and crossed her arms. "Waiting."

The next day, Shoto and Deku walked into the facility. ____ was asleep at the desk.

"Hey, it's ____!" Deku exclaimed.

____ popped her head up and looked at him. "De-ku. Sho. Not here before." She furrowed her eyebrows in annoyance.

"Yeah," Deku said. "We all left early yesterday."

"Where Katsuki?" ____ said.

"He should be here soon."

"Good Morning everyone!" Denki exclaimed as he walked inside. "I got donuts and- ___!"

"De-ki!" She ran over to him and hugged him.

"Thank goodness you're back! Eijiro needs help!"

"Huh?" ___ said. "Where Eijiro? He hurt?"

Denki pulled out his phone and showed ____ a picture of him rocking in the corner.

"Oh no," ____ muttered. Tears welled up in her eyes. "I must go."

"No, wait!" Denki exclaimed. "You've gotta help him."

"Not safe," ___ muttered.

"Is it the same thing that happened to the one that hurt your sister?" Denki said.

___ nodded. "Not safe."

"How do we fix it?"

____ paused. "I go find out. Be back." She walked out of the room and dove into the water.

Denki sighed. "I hope she can help him."

"Sup nerds," Katsuki said as he walked inside.

"Oh, you just missed her," Shoto said.


"___ was here," Deku said.

"What?! Where is she now?!"

"She went to go find a way to help Eijiro," Denki said.

"Oh," he said.

"You miss her~" Denki teased.

"Shut up."

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