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Amy's pov
I woke up hearing a heart beet, I relished I was laying on Danny's chest I quickly sat up and looked at Danny to see if he was awake, he was, he had a smirk on his face.

Danny: "Good morning princess" he said in a British accent
Amy: "Good morning" I whisper
Danny: "Are you ok"
Amy: "Yeah, I'm fine I'm totally fine
Danny: "Ok, it just seems like you don't like me calling you princess"
Amy: "........"

Because i don't!!!! I say to my self
I get up and walk to the bathroom so I can shower. After my shower I headed to my room noticing Danny was sitting on the couch watching TikTok still. After I was done getting dressed I walked to the kitchen and grabbed some cereal and sat down on the couch to watch tv with Danny.

Danny's pov
Amy was mad at me this morning I could just tell. She doesn't like being called princess. She just started living here, why the hell would I think of calling her princess. Oh I know why, it's because she's so cute. Ugh, why the hell am I doing this.
I get up and walk to my room to do whatever, I close the door behind me.

3rd person pov
As Amy was siting on the couch, she started getting tired so she closed her eyes for a little not relishing she fell asleep for a while.

Danny's pov
I walked out of my room to go sit on the couch with Amy, she was laying down cuddling a soft blanket I let her use last night because it was getting a little cold. I sat down next to Amy and giggle because how cute she was sleeping, all curled up in a cute little ball.
I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket I pulled it out seeing Brandon was texting me.

-Brandon- So like you told me that a girl was going to be living with you, when is she coming?
-Danny- She's already here
-Brandon- Oh, well then can I come over and say hello
-Danny- Umm well, she's kind of sleeping right now
-Brandon- Well then when can I say hi to her????
-Danny- when ever I say you can😏

Simp I said to myself, he's being a simp...again

If ya'l want the story's longer plz just comment and I'll do that. Hope ya'l have a great day (DRINK WATER AND EAT FOOD NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
Plz vote!!!

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