4- requested (part 2)

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the drive home was something they had never experienced. zayn was forced to sit in the back seat with niall just to make sure the little one didn't throw a toy at liam' head once again. the two men didn't know what had gotten into the boy but they knew it was unacceptable. the had threatened him with a time out, which resulted in a much worse tempered niall, and he was reaching towards getting spanked. liam and zayn always tried to make spanking a last resort but the boy was just acting terrible.
"papa I wanna go back!" niall yelled at zayn for the sixth time during the car ride home. at this point zayn decided that not giving a niall an answer to his demand to go back was better than sweet talking the boy about how they couldn't.
"niall, stop yelling please. daddy is trying to drive and you're distracting him." zayn said whilst holding nialls small hands in his own. normally zayn wouldn't hold his hands like this when niall was upset but the boy had to be restrained somehow so he wouldn't hit zayn, or himself, again.
liam was in the front seat keeping his eyes focused on the road, occasionally looking at the two behind him through the rear-view mirror. "we'll be there in less than two minutes" he told zayn whilst at a red light. he vaguely saw the man nod but he knew he was busy. liam hated when niall acted like this. it was very rare but there were still times where the boy would throw a fit over the smallest and most unsual things. he just told himself that it was the toddler in him that caused tantrums like these to happen. niall would usually tire himself out after half an hour and fall asleep during his time out, which he was hoping would happen sooner rather than later.
once home, liam brought everything inside from the car whilst zayn waited with niall in the car. the boy was screaming since the moment he realized they were on the street that lead to their home. "daddy! papa! go back! I hate house!" niall screamed out with more nonsense words and sentences that meant nothing to the two men.
"niall, if you do not stop screaming and saying mean things, you will get five spanks. now stop right now so I can get you out of your car seat and into the hous." zayn said sternly as they boy continued to thrash around. he couldnt believe the way the boy was acting right now. he sighed as he realized the boy wouldnt stop moving anytime soon, and quickly swatted his upper thigh, not hard enough to hurt him in any way but to still get him to cooperate. he sighed in relief once the boy stopped moving and looked down at his thigh.
"papa" niall whined as he rubbed his leg. his screaming and thrashing stopped but there were tears still running down his face. he accepted the fact that thrashing and screaming was getting him nowhere and allowed zayn to unbuckle him and get him out of the carseat and bring him inside. niall buried his head into the crook of zayns neck, whimpering and hiccuping softly as zayn carried him into the office space they had. the had kept one wall completely empty of painting and books and decorations just for the purpose of having a time out corner.
liam was already in the office, with a chair and a timer ready to start in the corner of the room. "niall, we do not appreciate the way you have been behaving the way home. you know better than to act like that, you especially know better than to hit and throw and scream at daddy and papa. now you are going to get ten minutes in the time out corner and then five spanks. after both punishments are completed, we will be having a chat together about the way you behaved and you will apologize to papa for hitting him and screaming at him." liam said calmly, after zayn had set him on the floor. "now get in your chair and we will start the timer once you look at the wall. and remember, no talking or calling out to daddy or papa, no hitting yourself, and no moving off that chair until papa and I come to turn off the timer for you." liams says while watching niall get in the chair, tears still streaming down the boys face. of course liam had felt bad but the boy needed to know that it was unacceptable to act that way.
"thank you ni bug, we will be back in ten minutes. we love you" zayn said softly before kissing the top of the blonde hair and bringing liam out of the room with him. once the door was closed, zayn took a deep breath. he sat down on the floor next to the door and looked up at liam, "I wonder what has gotten into him" he said quietly. he gestured for liam to sit next to him, resting his head on the taller man's shoulder after he was seated.
"I'm sure it was a tantrum waiting to happen. I mean he hasn't acted like this in a few weeks. you know how kids get after they've been good for so long, they need to get all that bad stuff out somehow and so it becomes a big mess once it does come out," liam says and kisses zayns head. "I'm sorry I couldn't sit in the back and help you out. is your arm okay? it sounded like he hit you pretty hard" liam asked and he softly grabbed zayns hand to inspect his arm.
"it's fine li, honestly sounded a lot worse than it was. it your head okay? surely toy keys to the back of the head couldn't feel too good" zayn says softly whilst looking up at him with a smile. liam nodded and listened through the wall to make sure niall wasn't talking or moving.
"yeah im okay babe" he says and closed his eyes for a few seconds, to enjoy the quietness for for few minutes before they had to get niall again.
after the ten minutes had finished, liam and zayn walked into the room to see niall staring at the wall with a blank look. the tears had dried and crusted onto the poor boys face and made him look exhausted. "ni love, time outs over. come to papa" zayn said softly and smiled at the sad looking boy when he got up and instantly clung to zayns body. zayn had let out a soft coo as he picked up the boy and rubbed his back.
"I sorry papa for hitting you and screaming," niall said and kissed zayn on the cheek. "daddy I sorry for throwing things at you and screaming when you were driving," he said with a shaky breath. he felt like he could cry again but he knew there were no more tears left to cry.
liam smiled softly and kissed nialls salty cheeks, "I forgive you bub, but you knew that was unacceptable" he said and looked at zayn briefly before picking the boy up and wiping his face with the end of his sleeve. "how about we get the spanks done quickly and we can all cuddle and watch a movie while I order some food?" liam asked the two, mainly niall, whilst walking to the living room couch. the boy just nodded in his daddy's arms, he knew he couldn't get out of it even if he tried. he just had to learn his lesson and try his best to not act like that again.
as liam sat down on the couch, placing niall on his lap, zayn grabbed a stuffie for niall. a small elephant with a blue bow around its neck, and sat on the floor next to liams legs. "are you read bub?" liam asks, niall nodding. liam stood niall and pulled his pants and nappy down to just below his bum. he helped the boy lay down across his legs and softly rubbed the boys back, "only five niall, quick and we'll cuddle" he said and kissed the boys head.
niall only nodded and held onto the elephant and zayns hands, "remember to count baby" zayn reminds him before liam lays down the first one, not hard at all.
"one," niall says softly as he kept his eyes closed to focus on the counting. liam layed down the next two quickly, the sting becoming more noticeable as he spanked the boy slightly harder. "two, three" niall whined out. he hated getting spanked, he always regretted how he acted after getting spanked.
"two more baby bug" zayn said softly as he kissed the boys forehead softly. niall only nodded as he felt the fourth spank land on his bum.
"four," niall said softly, barely heard by the two older men but still noticeable. by now, tears had slipped down his face, silent tears to be exact, and niall brought the elephants trunk to his mouth, needing something to distract and comfort him for the last spank.
liam laid down the last spank, it was the hardest but liam instantly rubbed the boy's bum softly. "f-five" niall said before whimpering and chewing the elephant trunk. "I sorry daddy! I sorry papa! no more mad at nini!" niall cried and held his arms up and towards zayn. zayn picked him up after liam had pulled the boy's nappy and pants back up and kissed his cheek.
"it's okay bub, we aren't mad. we love you too," zayn said softly as the boy cried into his chest. "the spankings are over and no more punishments today ni."
niall nodded and looked at liam, "daddy, want you" niall said softly and stretched his arms out to liam. liam cooed and picked the sweet boy up.
"oh my love, no more crying please," liam said as he rocker the boy in his arms. "I love you and I am sorry that I had to spank you. I promise you that I am not mad, I am so proud of you baby. you did so well during your punishments. you deserve some cuddles and a movie, yeah?" liams asks the boy and smiles when the niall nods.
"and pizza," niall says and looks liam with a giggle. liam simply nods and kisses niall's nose.
"of course bug, pizza too." liams says and carries the boy upstairs to change him into pajamas.
word count: 1776
a/n: i am so sorry about the long break. I know I use school as an excuse but it's not just that. I am happy to announce that I am back and ready to upload more chapters! my next chapter is gonna be about harry and louis but im not sure what yet. if you have any ideas, comment them! also vote if you enjoyed the chapter! and please follow me if you want! im so happy to be back and thank you so much for 3k views on this story. I love all of you so much and if you ever need someone to talk to just message me and I will get back to you!

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 03, 2022 ⏰

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