Slow Down

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"And you know what's funny with this whole thing" he asks shaking his head

"Mkhulu somehow knew it'll end in separation" he goes on to say seemingly deep in thought.

He's been distracted ever since he came back from the reading of his grandfather's will.

Apparently it was very dramatic because most of the money he had is in the family trust. The other 10% is going towards the charities he supported but the lawyer asked to see each of them individually.

"Why not just call us in and have it all aired out. Now what am I meant to say to Amanda or Zigi" he goes on

In the Envelope Mkhulu left Phakamile, there are title deeds to a modest 3 bed house in krugersdorp.
Mkhulu asked that Phakamile over see the running of it but it belongs to Amanda and Zigi's children
Amanda is free to live in it if she ever has to leave her marital home.

It stipulates that it will belong to the kids until the last born is 21 years, then Phakamile is free to hand it over to the family trust afterwards

"Are you going to tell Zigi? Did he tell you what's in his envelope?" I ask

"Please cook more often, this is nice" he randomly says

"Sthandwa(love) focus" he chuckles when I say this

"You like gossip, it says I should do it regardless of how he feels so there's no need to lie about it, it's just a weird request. Zigi has his moments but he takes care of his kids, this is unnecessary.
As it is Zigi bought Amanda and the kids that house they're living in, in Fourways. I don't see Amanda moving to the bundus" he continues

"Strange, I wonder if your brothers got any requests regarding you" I say

"Doesn't matter, there's isn't a thing Mkhulu can hold over me. Are there any more chops left?" he asks.

I get up to get him some more chops, the brothers are wealthy in their own capacity.

It's not like he was looking out for Amanda because she can live in the house but she can't own it, the request doesn't make sense

"I can get used to this" he says kissing my neck as I wait for his lamb chops to warm up

"Yes you made that very clear the other night" I say begrudgingly.

I'm no longer hurt by the realisation that there's a man in my life and I have to run things past him, it's just hard to get used to. It feels like asking for permission even when I'm just letting him know things

"When are you getting the vasectomy?" I ask taking the food from the microwave and giving it to him, he looks bored

"Not sure, it's a big deal muhlez, I can't just walk in there and let them play with my balls" he says kissing my head and walking back to the kitchen island to his open laptop.

"I don't think that's how it works" I say with a sigh walking away but he grabs my wrist. I expect him to say something but he just stares, clearly trying to read my face

"Chances of conceiving are low now but I'll go" he says earnestly

"Are you?" he pauses

"Are we alright ?" He asks

"We're alright, I just feel off" I say honestly

2 week ago, we had our first real fight, followed by a sad test to our relationship and these past few days have been tricky. At some point I was sure we were going to break up

"Slow down a bit, your body will adjust" he continues.

I physically feel fine, my emotions are off and I can't tell him that because what's the logic behind crying over something you didn't want?

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