Chapter 20 - A Look Into The Future

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"Oh my god Rose open it!"
Rose did so and immediately the holograms of her parents floated a over the device.

"ROSE!" Her mother almost screamed, "I'm so glad you're still okay!" The future version of Hermione took a deep breath, clearly relieved.

"We have a way to get you back, you just need to be patient, there's alot of ministry paperwork and buisness to go through." The woman ranted, "Kingsley's doing his best but the department of mysteries went through a whole search to find it in the records and now they have to find it in the shelves and some aurors are interrogating us and we have to keep it away from Rita Skeeter which is hard since she always has her nose in everything to do with the ministry, I mean really I should trap her in a jar again. "

"WHAT?" Rose asked, her voice echoing.
"Nothing." Her mother assured her.

"Anyway, we have to keep it out of the press because the public will freak out and it'll be even harder to get the time turner and  it's a miracle they even have one left after we destroyed them all in 1995- no 1996."

"We what?" Hermione whispered to Harry who replied, "I don't know, seems like we're gonna destroy time travel in a few months."
Everyone turned back to the holagram of Hermione.

"And also Harry is constantly spiralling, I mean we're all freaking out but he is a mess! Oh uh sorry if you can hear this Harry." She said quickly, remembering everyone was able to hear her.

"And Mgonagall told your friends that you're all sick to avoid suspison from them and it's so weird around here, I mean everything is so quiet! And-" She sighed, "I'm just worried so tell me you're okay." Rose nodded, "Yeah, we're doing fine, it's fun seeing everyone and talking and James, Al and Lily pulled the funniest prank on you guys, remind me to tell you all about it!" Rose laughed, Hermione sighed once again of relief.
"Thank merlin." She said, seeming to relax a little more now. "Alright, I'm going to go get the others to come and see you guys, I'll be back." She said. The little hologram Hermione walked off and vanished, another figure stepping forward.
"Hey rose!"
"Dad!" Rose called out happily, Harry looked away, they still weren't talking. Well they proabaly were in that time, but they weren't right now.
"You got in a fight!" Rose said, "I WHAT!?" Her dad shouted, clearly caught off guard.
"Yeah with uncle Harry, you got really mad at him for dating your sister."
How old was this kid? Harry thought, that was so blatant!
"I don't remeber that, I was very calm about them being together! Gave my approval and everything." His voice sounded like a comedian on stage. Whenever he spoke it always sounded light-hearted.
"Hmm, well tell younger me that I'm probably being a prat as I always was and that they're both their own people and that's their decision."
Wow, we're they all that grown up in the future? Did silly squabbles like that get resolved so easily? It made Harry a little embarrassed.
"Oh everyone's here!"
For some stupid reason, a number of people in the room turned their heads to the side as if to try and see who had approached, clearly forgetting that they were watching a hologram.
The holographic and future versions of Harry and Ginny walked onto the floating "screen".

"Hey guys!" Rose waved, one hand holding the device.
"Hi Rose." Ginny said, waving back, "Can you out Teddy on?" She asked, Rose nodded and handed the device to the very tired looking Teddy, who today was sporting reddish, mousey brown hair and looked sluggish.
"Hey!" He said, as excited as a sleepy person could sound.
"Get enough sleep Ted?" Ginny asked, "Not nearly."

"Hey Teddy!" The future Harry said, "Oh hey!" Teddy waved, suddenly alot more awake.
"It's good to see you guys, We miss you!" The two holograms smiled, "We miss you guys too. And we're working to get you back." Harry said, "Believe me, it's been stressful." Lily, Al and James raced over to Teddy.
"Hi mum and dad!" the three of the them chorused. "Hey you three." Their mother said, she sounded really happy to see them okay and safe, it was sweet.
"Are you guys okay? Eating, drinking, sleeping?" Their Father asked quickly, the three of them grinned widely. "Yes dad, the food is delicious, we have plenty of water and the beds are surprisingly comfortable." Lily noted, "We miss home though, please bring us back soon!" She said, there was a layer of real homesickness in her voice. They all hoped to get them back to their time soon.
"The second we can we will, I promise."
"Yeah, he's been going out of his mind so it's probably best." Ginny laughed.
"What? You have!"
"Of course I have their missing in time!"
"Either way, it's pretty sweet."
The hologram blushed before turning back to Teddy.
"Keep them all safe and we'll get you all back soon!"
Teddy and the three siblings waved as the two walked off screen.
"Who's next?" Teddy asked, almost as if it were choreographed, Vics mother materalized.
"Oh pass the phone!" Vic cried, running over.
"Not a phone." Teddy added, before she shoved him away.
"Ouch Vic!"

"Vic?" Fleur called out, "I'm here, I'm here!" Vic said, almost jumping up and down on the spot.
"Est-ce que tu vas bien?" Her Mother asked, "Oui." Vic answered, a huge grin patterned across her beautiful face. "Je suis sûr que tout le monde vous a déjà dit que nous essayons de vous faire revenir ici dès que possible." Vic nodded
"Nous allons tous bien, ne vous inquiétez pas." Vic said assuringly
"Ils nous ont pris pour des mangemorts quand nous sommes arrivés mais heureusement ils ne nous ont pas tués." She chuckled. "Don't tell her that Vic she'll worry!" Teddy protested.
"You know French?" Tonks asked, a few people swiveled around to see her, surprised to hear her voice. Turns out she had quietly made her way into a corner if the dining room while Rose spoke to her parents.
"C'était assez amusant ici en fait. Beaucoup de rencontres gênantes et de jolis vaisseaux, très amusants." Whatever Victoire said, it did make Fleur laugh.
"Les potiers sont toujours à la hauteur de leurs faces" Fleur jokingly rolled her eyes.
"Bien sûr qu'ils le sont, voyager accidentellement dans le temps ne suffit pas à les arrêter. Vic made a dramatic nod.
"That was really just James's fault though."
"HEY!" James called, "That wasn't in French!"
Vic smirked, "Cause you were supposed to hear it."
James crossed his arms causing Lily to laugh and lean over to give Vic a high-five.
"I svhould probavly go. Stay saze and we'll be in touz sovn." Vic nodded and smiled.
"Speak soon! Love you!" Her mother blew a kiss and hung up.
Vic clasped the lid over the device and handed it back to Lily who wrapped it around her neck and sighed.
"It was nice to see them all, they must be out of their minds with worry." Vic said.

Shell cottage - 2021

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