Chapter 12 - Oh... That

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L, Al and James all exchanged glances before

"YOUR turn James" L said sitting down

James took a deep breath and said "You..." He waited several seconds

"Are" He waited several seconds

"Attacked" He waited several seconds

"For the love of merlin James just tell them already!" L yelled

"Halloween 1981" The Marauders gasped with shock but everyone else was silent "T-that's so soon..." Sirius bellowed "Padfoot mate it's alright" James replied "Got a while to go yet" He finished "1981!" Sirius replied sadly "It-" But unfortunately there didn't seem to be alot left to say on the matter. Across the table Lily was clearly holding back tears "So we're only 21" She sighed, Harry nodded "And you were?" She asked, a clear tone of devastation in her voice "One" He replied grimly "Oh I'm so sorry!" Lily cried "It-" Like father like son, no-one had anything to say to say that would appease the situation it was, simply put, sad.

It took a while but the conversation lightened up again "YOU SET HIM ON FIRE!?" Hermione nodded "I thought he was trying to kill Harry!" There was an outburst of laughter from all around "Bloody brilliant!" Sirius said "Luckily the commotion distracted Proffesor Quirrell, so technically... It worked."

"Wait wait wait, she pushed him into the lake!?" Harry repeated "She was really annoyed that day!" Remus said "Don't stand next to a lake with her when she's in a mood" Lily glared over "Good thing we're not by a lake" James commented.

"YOU KILLED HIM!?" Harry shrugged "I didn't mean to, he kinda just burnt to ash" He explained, recalling the events of his first year "Amazing!" James laughed "I have to admit, it's quite funny" Lily said "it would make a great book" Hermione said "Yes a thrilling tale" LL replied, the future people laughed as though this was an inside joke of some sort "Sorry, its just that in our time, it is a book" She said "Seven actually" Some people seemed surprised by this while others must have guessed it would happen eventually "Even the muggle have heard of them" That a used gasps "Don't worry" Rose inserted herself into the conversation "They think it's fiction" She smiled "Quite oblivious this Muggles aren't they? " JS said.

"You did what!?" Older Sirius yelled "We turned their car into a rubber duck!" Teddy exclaimed "We only meant to turn it from green to yellow" James said "But it didn't go as planned" LL took a sip of her water before adding "Two days before we had to leave for Kings Cross aswell" Rose jokingly rolled her eyes "Why didn't we ever think of that?" James said to Sirius

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