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A battle always comes with few casualties, no one would expect anything else from something that has brought pain to generations. Neither side really wins, both sides always take home harsh news for their loved ones. Emmett being one of those that came to be a burning pile for the side that won. Rosalie knew she couldn't forgive the Volturi for taking him away, but Carslile made her promise that this meeting would go smoothly, without more death.
"You asked us to come." Carslile stared coldly. "We're here."
Aro stood from his place, slowly making his way towards the Cullen clan. He lost both brothers by his side, Jane lost her brother.
"I'm glad you could join us." His smile was sickening.
"What do you want?" Carslile scoffed.
"I have something for you." A click of the fingers sent some members away. "I can no longer keep it."
"A gift?" Alice frowned. "Why would we accept anything from you?"
"I think you'll be interested in this gift, although I wouldn't call it such."

Rosalie watched carefully, the vampire that stood before them was too familiar. Calvin, the one that took Emmett, the one that choked a wolf on his own blood without any hesitation. He had no issues with killing anyone so why was he stood without his usual cloak in front of her family?
"He has no use to us." Aro smirked.
"Why not?" Bella looked at him, waiting for something.
"He has become rebellious since our battle, no longer listens to orders." Jane gave him a small look.
"We don't want him." Rosalie cut in. "I don't want him."
Carslile sighed, looking at his family.
"We need to vote on this." The blond gulped.
Aro nodded once, letting them move out of earshot.

Rosalie stood firm on her stance, she didn't want this monster near her or her family. He was a danger to everyone, not to be trusted, Aro wasn't to be trusted. Alice had different thoughts on the subject, she could see his future with them, he would be good eventually provided that they gave him a chance. They moved back to the room, Aro looked between them.
"What happens if we don't take him in?" Jasper frowned.
Aro simply clicked his fingers again, Jane was ready for the command. They knew no one would take him, not even the most welcoming clan. The vampire screeched in pain whilst his fellow member grabbed his head, pulling slowly.
"Stop!" Esme yelled in panic.
"We'll take him." Carslile gulped, no more death.
Aro chuckled, looked behind him and just like that, they stopped. He still had command, power.
"He will arrive tomorrow."

Rosalie refused to speak to the family, she wouldn't have this thing in her home, she even considered leaving but without Emmett, what was the point? She had her niece who wasn't told what Calvin had done, the family agreed she didn't need to know. Calvin had arrived with nothing, no bag, just the clothes he wore.
"They didn't give you anything?" Alice sighed.
"No, just these clothes." He shrugged. "Figured I didn't deserve that anyway."
"Where is it going to sleep?" Rosalie scoffed.
"I'll sleep outside if it would make you comfortable."
"Stop with the fake niceness, you're a stone cold killer."
"I'm not asking for forgiveness, just a chance to-"
"You don't deserve a chance to do anything." Rosalie snapped. "I don't know why everyone agreed to let you live, but I didn't want that...I'd have happily took your head off for them."
Calvin gave a short nod, looking at his feet. She was right, he didn't deserve a chance to live at all after he took lives.
"How long can you contain your hunger?" Edward looked around. "We can't have you killing humans."
"A few days."
"I suggest the starvation method." Jasper smiled. "He has to eat at some point."
As much as it pained Carslile and Esme to do, they agreed on this method. The only place they could think to keep him was the basement, he would be safer down there.

Starving is one thing, but controlling his powers was something he struggled with more, any ounce of anger caused him to burst a pipe, Jasper would be able to calm him for some moments, but he was strong.
"I'm sick of fixing pipes, try getting a hobby." Rosalie opened the basement door.
Calvin looked up, frowning slightly. It had been three days and this was the first time she even uttered another word to him.
"A hobby?"
"Yes, try this." She threw a bag down. "Maybe something in that brain of yours will figure it out."
With that, she closed the door again.

Calvin spent hours reading, trying to educate himself or just keep his mind at bay. The Volturi didn't care for educating their "children" as long as they were of use and obeyed, that's all that mattered to them. A stench took over his senses, he stood slowly and walked up the stairs. Something wasn't right, the smell consumed him and made him cringe. He pressed his ear to the door and listened.
"That thing killed Quill." Jacob growled angrily. "He choked him with his blood, he didn't even touch him."
"He controls liquids which includes blood." Carslile explained. "He didn't mean to do it, he was under the control of the Volturi."
"It's a monster, the pack won't be happy about this."
"Jake, you're the alpha now." Bella chimed in. "Can't you explain?"
"I can try, but if he hurts Nessie-"
"He won't, he's locked away until he controls himself." Edward spoke sternly.
Calvin didn't want to hear anymore of the conversation, instead he slumped back to his corner of the room and continued reading.

Alice and Jasper figured it was time to try and bring Calvin into their family. Jasper slowly approached the vampire who was still stuck in his book.
"Would you like to go hunting?" Jasper extended a hand towards him. Calvin stared at his hand as if he was waiting on something, anything. He carefully took it and stood.
"Only animals." Jasper smiled slightly.
"You trust me?"
"I've dealt with your kind, I can overpower you if I need to."
The three left, Rosalie refusing to look at them as they did. She wasn't ready to forgive and she didn't think she would ever be ready to do so.

Calvin watched the mountain lion, he was clearly after something too. He could hear it's pulse and with how hungry he was, he would settle for this prey. He focused hard enough, hearing the rush of blood making its way to the lions throat, it choked and rithed before finally dropping with a final gasp. Calvin smirked, rushing towards the now dead creature, but before he could sink his teeth in and enjoy his meal he was knocked to his back. He stared at the wolf, growling in his face. He could've overpowered it, but he knew this wasn't any kind of wolf, Forks was surrounded by a large pack after the battle.
The wolf growled, looking behind him.
"Leave him, he's safe." A tall, tanned male frowned. "He's with the Cullen's now."
The wolf huffed, giving one last look at the vampire before he ran off.
"Thank you." Calvin pushed himself off the ground, dusting himself off.
"Don't, you killed one of our friends, our packmate."
"You have to understand, I didn't want to."
"You have a choice, you always do."
"Not with the Volturi." He sighed.
"If you were truly honourable, you would've given your life for theirs."
Calvin nodded, looking at his feet.
"Since they trust you, I'm Jacob."
"Old name." Jacob laughed.
"I'm pretty old."
"I figured, eat...or drink up I guess and I'll take you back."

Jacob could learn to forgive Calvin, after listening to his story on the way back to the house. He actually liked him, something about him made him likeable to Jacob.
"Safe and sound." Jacob gave him a pat on the back.
Both men entered the home, Rosalie gave a look of disgust, although Calvin couldn't tell who she was more disgusted by.
"Feeling better?" Jasper smiled.
The other vampire just nodded his head with a small smile. The once bright red eyes had now turned into a lovely golden color, he could become better, he could become a Cullen.

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