Surface Suffocation

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Axolotl Dream AU.

Dream is stuck in the prison with minimum water to survive but no one knows he is an axolotl hybrid until someone eventually does find out.

Sorry I left again, turns out I had depression and I didn't know.

But anyways, enjoy.

Third P.O.V

The heat of the cell.

It was so suffocating.

Dream couldn't take being in the cell for another second, but it's not like he can get up and walk out of the prison anytime he wanted. He was stuck here whether he liked it or not.

And he didn't like it.

Him being an axolotl hybrid made being in the cell worse than what it was supposed to be.

His mask let him stay out of the water for hours at a time, and it hid his axolotl features. But now with his mask taken away, hiding his features was exhausting, and he couldn't stay out of the water for long. So he stayed sunken in the toilet in the corner of his cell for the majority of the time. Dream did get out of the water when he hears the redstone activating, indicating that Sam would be coming.

But for now, he can relish the cooling water so he dipped his head further in the water.

The lava started falling.

"Oh great." Dream groaned and reluctantly got out of the water. The heat of the lava immediately hit him hard, and Dream craved the cool water.

On the other side was Sam, ready to deliver the raw potatoes for Dream.

Potatoes that Dream let the majority of spoil. Fish was a more preferable choice, and he knew Sam would question him if he asked for fish.

Sam got closer to Dream and dropped the potatoes on the floor, not exchanging any words.

Instead of the creeper hybrid leaving, like he normally would, he crouched down in front of Dream and looked at him closer.

Dream backed up his head a bit, trying to put some space between him and the warden.

This isn't how it was supposed to go. Sam always drops off the potatoes and doesn't waste a second leaving the blonde in the too-warm obsidian box. If he stays any longer then Dream won't be able to sink in the water to help him survive.

Just leave.

Leave him in silence.

Leave him with the ticking of the clock.






Sam stood up and backed up a bit.

Dream thought that he would finally be left alone once again, but no.

Sam looked at Dream, noticing the water that occasionally dripped out of his hair. Sam looked next to Dream and saw the trail of water that hasn't fully evaporated, coming from the toilet.

Dream saw Sam's eyes trail to the toilet and started panicking. What if his one water source was taken away from him? He had the sink but it wasn't the same.

Please don't connect the dots, for any god that was listening, please don't let Sam take away his water source.

"Dream." Sam finally spoke.

Dream flinched, knowing that the questions would start to arise.

"What have you been doing in the water?"

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