Join the Family

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Dream joins the Eggpire.

By the way, I am not following the canon lore. Just doing this one for fun.

That's it.


Third P.O.V

BadBoyHalo, Antfrost, Punz, Ponk, Hannahxxrose, Skeppy, and CaptainPuffy were sitting around a table, discussing what to do next for the empire. They wanted the empire to grow stronger, not just for them, but for the egg who speaks to them.

"And how exactly are we going to make the Eggpire stronger? No one else believes in our cause." AntFrost crossed his arms, his now vibrant, red eyes staring menacingly.

"We force them to join!" Skeppy slammed his hands on the table.

Puffy rolled her eyes. "Oh please. NO ONE will join if we did that. God, why do you have to be so stupid."

"Like you can do any better Captain." Punz pointed at Puffy.

"Guys, don't fight. Even if you all tried to come up with a plan together, it'll be like a five-year-old made up the plan." Hannah twirled a blood-red rose around her fingers.

Ponk shot an arrow at Hannah, who dodged it in time.

"HEY! Don't you dare make me go over there." Hannah crushed the rose and pulled out a sword.

"Like you didn't start it."

"Skeppy was the one with the stupid idea!"

"And what do you propose we do, huh?! Give us an idea!"

"You are all acting like children!"

"And you are not?!"

"You got a problem with it?!"

Everyone started yelling at each other, arguing, and talking over each other.

Bad was rubbing his temple, already done with the whole meeting. Until he heard a voice speak to him.

⊣ᒷℸ ̣  ℸ ̣⍑ᒷᒲ  ⚍リ↸ᒷ∷  ᓵ𝙹リℸ ̣∷𝙹ꖎ  リ𝙹∴!

"Of course." Bad replied to the egg.

"Everyone shut up, NOW!" Bad yelled, the egg glowing faintly behind him.

Bad let out a quiet sigh. "The egg is trying to speak to us."

Everyone turned to look at the egg, waiting for it to speak through Bad.

Static and low growls could be heard for a few seconds then stopped.

"I see. But how will we do it?"

More static and low growls are heard, this time for a longer period.

"For fucks sake, just tell us already!" Skeppy yelled out.

Bad glared at the diamond boy.

"The egg has decided who we should bring next."

"Enlighten us." Punz propped his leg on top of the table.

"We must bring in Dream."

Suddenly, all attention was put on the demon.

"Haha, nice joke. How are we even going to get him here?" Hannah leaned her head on her hands.

"Allow me to do the honors. He still trusts me in a way. And we can give him something he so dearly desires. He won't be able to say no to this deal." Bad got up and started walking away, then he paused. "Act friendly to him, or this won't work."

Dream Angst Oneshots [Discontinued]Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora