Hopeless Passanger

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Dream can do nothing but watch as a Dreamon controls his body.


Dream's P.O.V

That's not me.

That will never be me and yet they can't tell the difference.

I have been controlled.

I have been forgotten.

The real me has been forgotten.



Please just notice that I am no longer in control of myself. I am just a passenger of my own body, helplessly watching everything get destroyed. I can hope...

I can only hope that one day I will have control again.

But I am stuck in this endless void, not being able to interact with anyone.

This thing...this Dreamon took advantage of me. It said it would be my friend. I so desperately wanted a friend, but I just made things worse.

It attached itself to an item I hold dear to me, and now I'm stuck in this prison until the item is removed.

I don't want to hurt anyone on the server "I" created, but I can't stop the Dreamon from causing harm to my "friends".

To my family!

If I can even call them that.

I can hear their voices screaming at me insult after insult. I'm a tyrant, a monster, a villain, a scumbag.

The words repeat in my head over and over and over, but I can't do anything to change their minds.

I don't think I know my own "best friends" as they know "me".

I look at the ongoing scene in front of me. I can see static, but I can sort of make out what is going on.

"I" am leading two teenagers to their doom. This Dreamon has manipulated these two kids for so long and I can't stop it no matter how hard I tried before.

I have given up trying to break free. To get rid of the Dreamon.

But I can hope that someone will save the two kids before "I" hurt them again.

I don't think I remember their names.

The blonde looked terrified but is trying to mask it.

The kid has done some bad stuff, yeah, but I know he's a good kid if someone took him under their wing. I would have loved to take them under my care. Now they will never trust me, the real me.

What does my face look like again?

I can't remember.

The Dreamon is speaking, and I know that this will be the end for the teens.

Until a man in a white hoodie comes out of the...nether portal I believe, with more people from "my" server coming to protect the two kids.

Thank goodness!

"I" get restrained by some creeper guy and all of "my" weapons and armor are taken away. "I" drop everything into a hole and the blonde takes everything up.

I can faintly hear the next sentence the blonde says, but it gives me hope.

Hope that I have been clinging to this whole time.

"Take off the mask, Dream."

The Dreamon refused and was acting cocky like it was going to be able to break free. It almost hurt the creeper guy when suddenly a ravenette with a headband helped the creeper guy push "me" down to the floor.

Dream Angst Oneshots [Discontinued]जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें