Lu-Pining for Your Purrr-Fection: Chapter #8 - Barking Up the Right Tree

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Malia did a fist pump and beamed. "So, what's your plan?"

"I want to do a scavenger hunt. I want to set things up for him to find and I want to use details that he told me when we talked," he confided quietly.

"Such as?"

"Well, he told me that he tried to buy me a drink in the coffee shop one day, but it got spilled and he saw me talking to my closest friend, Erica. He thought she was more than a friend and gave up. So, I want to do something there. I want to leave the book he bought for me in the library with a note in it that'll be a clue because I didn't know he was the one who got me the book. I want to leave clues in places that connect to us." Derek smiled, his cheeks reddening slightly as the tips of his ears turned red.

Malia was staring at him, her mouth hanging open slightly and then let out a stifled squeal. "You are adorable! He's going to be so touched. So, where are you going to start?"

"I'm going to start at the beginning. I heard you say that he's liked me since he saw me during New Student Orientation, right?"

"Yes. Ever since that day, it's been Derek this and Derek that. No offense, but he's a lovesick son of a gun," she teased. "If he wasn't a kitty, I'd call him a lovesick puppy."

"You know he told me the night we first met that I was barking up the wrong tree, but you know I sure am glad I did my growling thing. Otherwise, I might never have met him or gotten to know him," he said quietly.

Malia tilted her head with a smirk. "So, some might say you were barking up the right tree," she joked.

Derek blushed harder and chuckled. "I see you get your sense of humor from Stiles then."

Malia flipped her hair and winked playfully. "Naturally. So, back to the plan. You were talking about the new student orientation which was in the Student Union building?"

"Yes. That's where we're going to start," he said with a grin. "Do you think any of his friends would be willing to help?"

"I know I will. I'm thinking Lydia and Allison for sure will, but I highly doubt that the boys will help," she admitted. "They're not quite as close with Stiles as us three gals are. It's not that he hasn't tried, but Scott has some new girl he spends most of his time with and Isaac adores Stiles, but he moved to the other side of the country after graduation. Though if we tell him about your idea, he just might show up for it."

"Then I say we've got a plan." Derek beamed, taking another drink of his lemonade and finishing his salad. "So, you go gather the troops and then meet me in the library on the third floor after classes?"

Malia squeezed his hand and nodded. "We'll be there," she promised.

Derek gave a nod and moved to get up. "Oh. What will you tell Stiles?"

"As close to the truth as I can without revealing anything," she said.

"I am glad you don't plan to lie. I'm just surprised."

"Well Stiles is incredibly smart, and he'll smell a lie a mile away. We also promised never to lie to each other even if it was life and death," she whispered.

Derek placed a hand on her shoulder, giving it a reassuring squeeze and smiled. "You're a true friend, Malia."

She smiled as her phone buzzed. "I should probably..." She jerked her thumb towards her phone.

"By all means." He nodded, taking her trash from lunch and disposing of it before giving her his number. "I'll see you soon."

"Indeed, you will." She waved as Derek left the cafeteria before getting up and heading to her next class.

🐾 🐺 🐾🐺 🐾

Girls? We have work to do. Meet me in the library on the third floor after classes.

What's up?

What happened?


I'll be there.

Same here.

Because when it comes to Stiles...

There's nothing I wouldn't do.

You two are so dramatic but yes. For Stiles. See you both then. ♡


♡ ツ

🐾 🐺 🐾🐺 🐾

Hey Mal. So, I just got into town a few minutes ago. Can I swing by?

IZZY!!! Hells yeah you can! In fact, your timing is perfect.

Oh? Why is that?

Meet in the campus library on the third floor after classes?



I'll be there.

Malia beamed at the responses of their friends and couldn't wait for Stiles to be surprised. She practically skipped to her next class, her body buzzing with excitement.

Hey. So, my dad asked me to come into the station and help with some filing and I'm going to go ahead and do that. Can we get together later this evening for a movie?

Malia smiled and replied.

Only because it's you who asked. 😉 ♡

Lu-Pining for Your Purrr-Fection Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora