1. SOS

72 7 45

Jimins pov

Beep beep    Beep beep

"Ugh" Jimin groaned. He slowly sat up in his tiny bed shivering from the cold air. He rubbed his eyes and tried to stand up.

"Ow," he whimpered. He sat back down and signed.

He traced his fingers around the fresh bruises on his arms while trying to suppress the tears in his eyes.

Before he could start crying he heard the front door open and close.
Fear immediately rushed through his body as he forced himself up and limped to the bathroom to get dressed for work.

"JIMIN" a voice loudly growled.


Shaking, Jimin quickly got dressed, ignoring the pain of his injuries, and limped out of his room with his work attire on.

"He-hello my lo-love," Jimin said softly while looking down.

"Get in the car," the man said while rolling his eyes. Jimin fought back tears and walked outside to get into the car.

Time skip - at work

Jimin worked for a record label. Large hit entertainment.
(I didn't wanna use the original name 💀)

He was the assistant of his boyfriend's dad. The executive manager of sales (like for merch and shit idk). He did things like run out for coffee, make lunch, schedule appointments, etc.

When he entered the building he quickly went into his boss's office.

"Ah Jimin, you're here, good, go get me some coffee please." The man said while reading some documents on his desk.

Jimins boss - Mr. Kim - (not Namjoon) wasn't mean or rude to him like other people were. He was simply professional and indifferent.
Vastly different from his abusive son Myung.

He and Jimin have been dating for two years now and after about 6 months they moved in together. Nobody knew them as anything other than a happy couple besides Jimins friends.

Jimin went into the cafe three floors down were his friends Tae and Jin worked.

As he entered he was immediately greeted with a big hug.

"JIMINSHIIII HII" Tae squealed.

Jimin chuckled. "Hey Tae Tae , where's Jin hyung?"

"Oh he's over there flirting with Namjoon again " Tae smirked

Namjoon. One of the executive songwriters and producers when it came to music and music videos. Best friends with the Most popular artists in this company. Jimins secret crush.


Jimin knew it was wrong to have a crush while in a relationship but he couldn't help it. He was a die-hard fan and totally infatuated with the man.

Anyways back to the story

"When are they going to just date, they are clearly are in love" Jimin joked

"Honestly i think they are going to deny their feelings forever," Tae said while rolling his eyes, "anyways though what can I get for you?"

"The usual, a medium Black coffee with nothing in it," Jimin said

"Coming right up"

While Jimin waited he wandered around mindlessly. He ended up at the sweet shop that is neighboring The coffee shop. While looking at the different mochi flavors aligned against the wall he is startled by a deep voice behind him.

"Would you like one?"

Jimin jumped up and looked behind him. Instead of responding to the man's question like most people would. Jimin stood there with his mouth wide open. only making things more awkward.

I-it's Suga!

Was he talking to me??

Say something jimin you loon!

"Hello? Are you ok? " Suga asked.


Ok jimin be cool

"Ha uh, yea good im good are you good? Because it's good to be good-" Jimin rambled

"Uh well yeah I'm good, I asked if you wanted one of the mochis you were staring at" yoongi chuckled awkwardly

Great you dummy he probably thinks your a weirdo now

"O-oh yeah I would but I don't have money, so I just admire them"

"What's your favorite flavor ?" The older asked

"Strawberry!" Jimin blushed

Suga grabbed three strawberry mochis and brought them to the register, paid for them, and brought them back to jimin.

All the while Jimin stood there in total shock and confusion.

Why was he buying this stuff for me?

Does he want something from me?

Jimins thoughts ran rampant until Suga called him back into reality.

"Hey, These are for you, please enjoy " he smiled his FREAKING GORGEOUS gummy smile and walked away

"Thank you" Jimin called out to Suga as he walked away

"Don't mention it, see you around" yoongi called back without turning back around

Jimin quickly ran back to the coffee shop to retrieve his boss's coffee and give it to him.

Clutching on tight on to bag off mochis given to him by his idol

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