1. Things that can't be explained

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It was just an ordinary day. Like any other I had a normal life, and a job, but the feeling of being alone in a large house made me feel.. hollow and empty inside. I packed my stuff and left the house not looking back as I gave the landlord the keys. He was saddened that I had left, he says I'm one the nicest people he's ever met. Not all is what is seems for the house. The echos of the walls still terrify me as they were loud and walking futher into the corridor the walls got more narrow. The only light that shone was the dim candles on the walls as it flickers when you walked by. The downstairs rooms were cold and quite big, the stairs always gave me the creeps with every step the stairs creeked and it feels as if you've been walking for hours, despite it only being 5 minutes since walking the rumbling stairs. The house was passed down my family for years, until the day I had it, I never wanted the old house but I couldn't say no because it was my family home and a I haven't been here since I was about 6. I'm 20 years old now and the house still looks how I remember it.

As a kid I've always thought the house looked weird and it gave me chills. There is something I will never forget. The night of April 18th 2014. late at night around midnight, I wake up from a loud bang downstairs. I freeze and hide under my covers. I don't move. Moments went by and the sound had went. I slowly looked from under my cover and looked around that was until I saw a figure by the window. I was scared not sure what to do. So I did nothing but stare. It noticed the figure turn around, smile then disappear into the air. Since then it's something I've never been able to forget.

In the present time I live in a small apartment in a city called Abervile Shines. I worked in a company that created unique designs of self moving technology which I found rather interesting. This was 3 miles aways from the small town I used to live in called Warlar Hendaw. It was a pretty town, amazing people but the town had a dark history behind the old house at the end other side of town. The people say that the house was made in the 1600s, it also has a basement that was blocked off just a couple years ago, by a family called The Reidons. The town mayor says the Reidons were a strange family never spoke to anyone or rarely left the home, he feels something had happened inside the house as the family started to disappear one after another without a trace. If I'm being honest having the basement blocked off seems quite suspicious but I might be over thinking. It could have been falling apart but who knows. I remember an elderly women, around her 80s told me that the house was haunted by the souls that had died in the home,now that I look back it did sort of feel like I was being watched and that experience when I was 6, *brrr* that memory still haunts me now just thinking about it. Other than the craziness my life has been pretty "ok". I worked 9 to 5 and Didn't get until half past six. My boss is nice, she wore a black dress, silver heels, short blonde hair, her eyes green as emeralds and her smile is brighter than a star. I had decided to get an apprenticeship with the job to build up my work. Mrs Jaxon was really happy to hear I was signing up for the apprenticeship and helped me whenever I needed it. Whenever my co-workers asked about my old home I couldn't tell them I lived in a huanted house they would laugh at me, so I just said I wanted to start a new life somewhere new and experience new things.

There were times where I wished I didn't move from my home town, I miss the wonderful music, the people and the fresh air, as for this city is full of pollution and people with bad manners and attitudes towards anyone who didn't grow up here, there are the odd few that you meet in the way that are nice and kind and very caring, they would never judge a book by its cover. Other than the people and the type of place it is, Abervile Shines were the best city in the country and the work and money here were really good, but spending time here had made me realize the good things I already had so for the next few weeks I worked really hard and moved back to my old home town.

Once I parked my car outside the old Wiskey Bar, I walked toward the town hall where everyone meets up to talk about what has been happening in the town. I opened the door and everyone tuned to me, that was when they all got up and came rushing to me with hugs and smiles, some crying and some laughing. I finally knew I supposed to be here all along. Everyone say back down and I headed toward the front, I had questions about the city and people which I told them in the most simple way. The one question that was asked was why I moved out if town, of course it hit me, I didn't know what to say at the time. Moments of silence went by until I finally said "I moved out if this town because I didn't feel like I belonged and I wanted to experience new things and have a new life, but now I realize that you all are the ones that make me happy and smile, the town was okay, but my smiles didn't last long, the job I had was amazing the people there were nice but it felt incomplete without mistakes and failure's, they made me make everything perfect and I became an a apprentice for the company, who knew it would lead me back here to you all to this amazing town, back to the home I know and love, so I moved back and I have decided to re-fix the old house I once lived in, but I can't do it without the help of you all and I am dearly sorry I had left everyone here, thank you" It was silent. The sound of nothing filled the room until a crashing sound of clapping broke the silence and everyone came in for hug crying and clapping still. I looked down at 3 kids who seemed to see me as a role model, huh who would have thought I was suitable as a role model? But of course I would do my best to be a good person and give the children the right advice about wanting to move and starting a new life in a different area if they ever choose to to when they grow up, but I doubt any of them would leave their home behind.

I had moved back into the big house and the town's people helped me rebuild the broken and falling pieces of the building. Some gave me new furniture, new paints and the builders built in a new kitchen. Others bought me new clothing, food, fixed the electricity and gas. I couldn't think of anything that the people haven't done for me already. I wanted to repay them but I wasn't sure how. Other than that I asked the old women what happend while I was gone, she told me that the house was empty, nobody would step foot inside the house. Every night around 3:00 to 4:00 am they would hear screams and cries coming from the house. They wasn't sure whether someone had broke in, and killed someone or if it was something paranormal, like a spirit. The old women also told me that the kids would always avoided looking at the house. For me to hear this, it was sort of strange, the kids loved admiring the old house, what happend to make them scared and avoid it? The women noticed I looked confused, so she told me the kids would always come home crying saying there was a person in the window in the third floor. The third floor only had one room and that was my old bedroom. Something wasn't right...

(Next part coming soon)

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 02, 2022 ⏰

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