Chapter 6: Beginning of a Journey

Start from the beginning

"I said silence!" the warrior insisted.

When they arrived in the village, their blindfolds were removed. Before them stood a man with gray hair wearing a large topknot on his head and big frown on his face.

"What are you Fire Nation spies doing in my village?" he demanded.

"Your Kyoshi Warriors were kind enough to bring us here," answered Iroh cordially.

The man looked annoyed.

"If you don't answer our questions, you'll be fed to the unagi," said the lead warrior.

"He did answer your question," said Chiara calmly.

Iroh smiled. "My daughter and I traveled here in order to learn about Avatar Kyoshi and the infamous Kyoshi Warriors."

"You had no boat," said the female warrior suspiciously. "How did you get here?"

"Some generous sailors gave us a ride to the island."

"Likely story," said the man. "Who are you?"

"I am Xin and this is my daughter Lin. As I've said, we traveled here to learn about Avatar Kyoshi."

The man's eyes narrowed. "Information that will help the Fire Nation take over Kyoshi Island no doubt."

"Not at all," said Iroh pleasantly. "It's just that I learned in Chin Village on the mainland that Avatar Kyoshi murdered Chin the Great..."

"What?!" said the man in a tone of offense. "That's crazy talk."

"I thought so too," said Iroh. "As a lover of truth and an avid student of history, I, of course, wanted to learn all the facts about such an accusation."

The man looked at him a bit skeptically, but he nodded to the girls who began to untie them.

"I am Oyaji," he said. "I'm the leader of this village." He pointed to the Kyoshi Warrior standing in front of them. "This is Soshi. She trains the Kyoshi Warriors of our village."

"It's an honor to meet you," said Iroh as he bowed, Chiara imitating him.

Oyaji began telling them the history of Avatar Kyoshi and the island, some which they already knew, but they still found it interesting.


They were allowed to remain in the village, and they were given shelter and food, and that night after they ate, Chiara began writing her letter to Zuko.

"I must thank Akio when we return home," said Iroh softly. "His knowledge of the history of Chin Village and Kyoshi Island proved to be quite valuable."

Chiara giggled. "If it wasn't for him, we would've been unagi food."

Now Iroh laughed. "Yes. That would not have been a good way to start our journey."

Chiara finished her letter and rolled it up.

"You and Zuko are quite close," he said.

"He's my best friend. I'm going to miss him living next door."

"It's probably for the best now. He'll soon be busy with his duties as prince. And one day he will have to take a wife from the Fire Nation," he added in a whisper.

"I understand," she replied softly. She was saddened by the thought but she accepted it. "Is it okay if I continue writing him?"

He gave her a tender smile. "Of course. Just don't write our location or too much detail of where we are," he repeated his request.

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