Chapter 32: Rescue Mission

Start from the beginning

We continue our way and come across some more widows but this time we fight them off since they are not that many. It feels weird to fight against them but I block my thoughts, concentrating on my goal. Over the coms we hear the others fight as well and I start to wonder how many widows there are.

A kick into my stomach pulls me out of my thoughts and I let the widow fly across the room and hit the wall before putting a hand over the place she kicked me. That will form a bruise.

After we fought all the widows here, we hear footsteps. They are in sync and it sounds like there are a lot of women. Seconds later we see them marching in our direction. But this time it's different, they are all carrying guns with them, pointed at us. I swallow, knowing we can't win this when a same amount of women comes from the other side of the hallway as well, trapping us.

I jump a little when I hear Steve saying they found Nat and she's fine. I forgot I got an ear-piece. Nat told them that y/n isn't with her and probably got ordered to fight, just like everyone else. But she doesn't know for sure because she hasn't seen her in four days.

It makes me anxious to hear that because I thought y/n would be safe as soon as Natasha got here but apparently not.
I feel Clint's back against mine so we both have an eye on the groups surrounding us. They stand still now, until they form a gap between them and I watch someone step forward and my heart makes a little jump. It's y/n.

But it drops right after when I take in her appearance, she looks at me without any emotion, her face bruised and I see her limping a tiny bit. What did they do to her?
I almost run towards her to hug her but she doesn't seem to be happy to see me. She steps closer before she stops a few feet away from me. Now I can see her eyes and they are different than usual. It's like something is fighting in them. It's a fight inside her and for a second she seems to recognize me before her expression changes again to something numb.

I inhale and do what I haven't done to her since the third time she visited me: I read her mind. It always felt wrong after we started to get close and I didn't wanna do it again but right now I just need to know what's going on. Her thoughts are loud and also fighting against each other. A silent one tells her that she knows me and that she's safe with me but there's also one telling her in repeat that she has to follow orders. The order is simple: take the witch hostage and kill the other guy.

The orders are louder than her own thoughts but I can feel her fighting against them, wanting to let the other, good thought take control.
"Y/n, it's me, Wanda." I try to get through to her and her eyes dart to mine and for a second her own thoughts come through more. But they are pushed down again. It seems like the others aren't her own thoughts and I wonder why they are so strong then.

"You don't want to hurt me, y/n. You know me and you know I'm not a threat." I try further, her own thoughts flickering through more and more with each word.
"You're safe with me. I won't hurt you. I can help you feel better, you just got to come here and we will get you home."

As her own thoughts are about to break completely through, the others suddenly intensify and she pulls out a gun from her thigh holder and lifts it up with shaking hands. I immediately take a few steps back, looking at the gun pointed at me. She would never do this and it honestly hurts me to see her like this, even though I know it's not her.

She suddenly seems anxious and her body starts to shiver as well. Fear taking up her brain, not leaving the other thoughts through and her eyes seem to get a bit more clear and she fully recognizes me. Her eyes drop to the gun in her hands and she lets it fall to the ground in fear. I don't know what just happened but the fear seems to have overshadowed the other thoughts and they lost control over her.

"Y/n." I say again and her eye snap up to mine and as soon as they meet, she relaxes a tiny bit.
I hold out my hand for her and she slowly takes a few steps towards me. A movement behind her makes me shift my focus and I see the other women getting ready to fight.
"Mask, Clint!" I say quickly before pulling out the grenade and letting the gas flood the room.

Everyone falls down, including y/n but I catch her in time. It feels good to have her back in my arms but we don't have the time for that now, we need to get her out.
"Wanda, I need you to lead us back and tell the others we have her." Clint directs and lifts up y/n to carry her. I do as told and tell the others and run the way back we came from. Clint follows me and this time I am more determined, now that we have y/n with us, I'm gonna make sure, no one's touching her. Without hesitation, I slam a woman against the wall who confronts us with a gun. I will get y/n out of here safely!

Steve tells us, he'll keep our way as free as possible and that Nat is going to come to us. A few corners further, Natasha runs towards us, worry on her face as she sees y/n and she takes her out of Clint's arm to carry her the rest of the way so Clint can keep an eye out for widows as well. But there aren't many more and we soon reach Steve and run outside. There we suddenly stop, seeing a man standing there, five widows behind him, each one pointing a gun at us.

"Wanda, can you unarm them?" Natasha asks to my surprise. She never really talked to me, especially not about my magic but I nod quickly, it's not the time for other things now. I concentrate and a few seconds later the guns fly away, after one firing a shot but not hitting one of us.

The man looks very confused but sends the women to fight us. Natasha grinds her teeth at the men and turns to me to carefully hand me y/n who is still asleep. I hold her as good as possible while Clint and Steve take care of the widows. Natasha sprints towards the man who tries to escape but he isn't fast enough. But when she reaches him, she doesn't do anything, her face still angry though. He laughs and punches her in the face and as if that changed something, she suddenly starts to attack him, her nose bleeding while doing so. There's a lot of hate towards the man and she only stops because he slips through the doors, back inside the building and locks it.

At least our way is free now and we run to the fence, well the others run, I carry y/n as good as possible. Everyone else slips through the hole but seconds before I arrive, it turns on again and I stop. I can't fit through there with someone in my arms, not without hurting her and I won't do that.

Nat looks at me in panic, scared she's gonna loose her daughter again but a thought comes to my mind and I take a deep breath before concentrating and slowly lifting y/n up into air. Nat gasps, shooting daggers at me. But I don't care and slowly let y/n fly over the fence until Steve grabs her and holds her in his arms. I slip through the fence and catch Nat looking at me, now in wonder and she gives me the tiniest smile before we run back to the quintjet. Maybe she and I will get along some time after this. But first we need to get home safely.

A/n: First time from Wanda's pov, what do you think?
And also, they did it, they rescued us. 

You guys are truly amazing, we reached over 6k reads, I never expected that, so a huge thank you to all of you and I hope you enjoy the story.
Thanks for reading and love to you all <3

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