Izzy's All Better

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Jake's POV

Izzy was doing a lot better than she was three weeks ago. She is able to sit up in her bed with no help from us.

"How are you feeling?" I asked her as I was stroking her hair.

"I'm feeling a lot more better than I did three weeks ago. I've been resting a lot in bed." Izzy exclaimed.

"Not to mention the amount of sleep that you've gotten over the past three weeks." I exclaimed.

"Okay I do admit that I stayed up every night but not the last couple of nights, I've slept really well." Izzy exclaimed.

"You've been sleeping like a baby with your teddy bear. It's so cute." I exclaimed.

"Here's your breakfast Izzy. Waffles with Maple Syrup, melted marshmallows, and a chocolate spread with blueberries and raspberries." Peter exclaimed as Peter set the tray down on her lap, making it look like breakfast in Paris.

It looked really delicious.

"Yum. Thanks Peter." Izzy exclaimed.

"Jake, do you want to share with me? It can be our date." Izzy asked.

"Of course, we haven't had a date since Valentine's Day because of this Quarantine and you having Chicken Pox." I exclaimed.

I cut the waffles up in half. I had my half and she had her half. We were having our date in her bed.

"This is the best date ever. Just you and me." Izzy exclaimed.

"I love you." I exclaimed.

"I love you too." Izzy exclaimed.

Izzy's POV

I was lying in bed as Jake came into our bedroom with the thermometer.

"Izz, are you ready for your temperature to be taken?" Jake asked me.

"Yeah, I'm ready for my chicken pox to be over." I exclaimed.

"Okay." Jake exclaimed as he placed the thermometer in my mouth.

We waited a minute until Jake took it out of my mouth and looked at it.

"Your temperature is 85*. Izz, you're getting better." Jake exclaimed as he hugged me, which I was surprised.

"Jake, am I getting better?" I asked him.

"Yes, your spots are crusting over and some of them are starting to disappear. You're no longer contagious." Jake exclaimed as I was really happy to know that I was no longer contagious.

I hugged him as he hugged me back.

"Come on, let's surprise the others." Jake exclaimed as he grabbed hold of my hand and led me out of my bed and downstairs to the living room.

Jake's POV

I was holding Izzy's hand as Peter and Cubby were doing a puzzle.

"Hey guys, look who's better." I exclaimed as Cubby and Peter looked up to find Izzy standing next to me, in her nightgown.

I helped her to get changed before we went downstairs.

Cubby was really excited as he jumped up and ran to Izzy.

"Izzy!" Cubby exclaimed as he hugged her while I let go of Izzy's hand.

"I missed you so much." Cubby exclaimed as he had tears coming down his face.

"Aww, I missed you too Cubby." Izzy exclaimed as she hugged him back.

"You've still got spots on your face Izzy." Skully exclaimed.

"Yeah but they're crusted over and some of them are disappearing. She's no longer contagious." I exclaimed.

"That's great news." Peter exclaimed.

Izzy and Cubby were still hugging. So, me, Peter, and Skully joined in. We made it a group hug.

After we were done with the group hug. We sat down on the couch and we started to have a talk about Izzy's chicken pox.

"So Izzy, what was it like having chicken pox?" Skully asked her.

"Well I was really ill with it. It was so itchy. Apparently, the older you get, the worse it's going to get. I felt like I was on my death bed." Izzy exclaimed.

"I'm glad you never ended up in the hospital." I exclaimed.

"Yeah, I don't want to end up in the hospital with what's going on with coronavirus. I mean you're not allowed to visit or stay with your loved ones. I'm scared of being in the hospital and I can't imagine staying there all by myself without you guys being by my side." Izzy exclaimed as she grabbed hold of my hand and I gently squeezed her hand.

"I mean your chicken pox was worse than mine. I only had it for two weeks when I was 7 but you've had it for three weeks." I exclaimed.

"I think because she's 14, she was going to get it worse, since she's closer to not being a child." Peter exclaimed.

"What was it like staying in bed?" Cubby asked her.

"It was awful, I was really ill, my chicken pox was itchy. I couldn't go anywhere." Izzy exclaimed.

"To be honest, you slept through most of your staying in bed." I exclaimed.

"Yep I did." Izzy exclaimed.

"To be honest Izzy, you didn't miss much because we're all still in quarantine and nothing exciting is happening." Peter exclaimed.

"Apart from the TikTok trends. I haven't done any of the dances during the quarantine and I've been watching a lot of YouTube." Izzy exclaimed.

"Well it's the only way, so everyone can stay connected." I exclaimed.

"What about Captain Hook?" Cubby asked us.

"He only has iPhone 3G. Which barely works because it's 12 years old besides he probably doesn't believe in this coronavirus and he's probably hunting for treasure." I exclaimed.

"I'm not really surprised." Izzy exclaimed.

"Wait his phone is older than Peter's?" Cubby asked us.

"Yep. Peter has iPhone 5c because it's green. It doesn't even update anymore." I exclaimed.

"I'm not changing it. It's green and I only need it for texts and calls." Peter exclaimed.

"I have iPhone 7 while Izzy has iPhone 8, which she got for her birthday." I exclaimed.

"And I have your old phone Jake, iPhone 6c." Cubby exclaimed.

"Well Cubby, you're going to get Jake's old phones until you're old enough to pay for it, yourself." Peter exclaimed.

"I'm glad you're better Izz. I love you." I exclaimed.

"I love you too. Me too." Izzy exclaimed as we hugged each other.

Izzy's Chicken PoxWhere stories live. Discover now