The Chicken Pox Begins

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⚠️ warning: this chapter involves nudity of a 14 year old girl aka Izzy

Izzy's POV

I woke up feeling really itchy. I still had a cough and I was still blocked up in my nose. I got out of bed and I went downstairs to the kitchen.

"Morning Izz. Oh my god, why is your face covered in spots??" Jake asked me as he looked at me in shock.

"Maybe puberty." I suggested.

"Are you feeling okay Izzy? You don't look like yourself." Cubby exclaimed.

"I'm fine." I exclaimed as I was scratching my arm as it was really itchy.

"Wait a minute, I'm taking you back to bed." Jake exclaimed.

Jake picked me up and carried me back to bed.

"Izzy, you've got chicken pox. You're going to stay in this room until you're no longer contagious. You're not allowed to be with Cubby either. I'm going to take care of you and I'll try and get Peter to take care of you during the nighttime." Jake explained that I got chicken pox.

"So can I get out of bed?" I asked him.

"No you're staying in bed besides nothing interesting is happening. We're stuck inside." Jake exclaimed.

"Okay. This is really itchy." I exclaimed.

"Don't scratch your chicken pox. It will only make it worse. Taking off your clothes will allow your skin to breathe." Jake exclaimed.

"Okay." I exclaimed.

"Let me take your clothes off." Jake exclaimed as he began to take my boots off then my socks.

"Let's take your top off and your bra as well." Jake exclaimed as he took my top off and then he took my bra off, leaving my small breasts exposed to him.

"Now your leggings and underwear." Jake exclaimed as he took my leggings off, leaving me in my underwear.

"Let's lay you on your stomach." Jake exclaimed as he picked up my half naked body and placed me on my stomach.

He gently took my underwear off and I was laying there naked on my bed. He picked me up and layed me on my back and covered me up with my duvet.

"This feels weird, laying here, naked in my bed underneath my duvet." I exclaimed.

"This will help your chicken pox get better." Jake exclaimed.

"Thanks Jake, I think I'm going to take a nap." I exclaimed as I fell asleep in my bed.

Jake's POV

After Izzy fell asleep, I closed the door and I went downstairs to the kitchen.

"Hey Cubby, Izzy's got chicken pox. So for your safety, you're not allowed to be by her. I don't want you to catch it from her." I exclaimed.

"What about you?" Cubby asked me.

"I'm allowed to take care of her since I've had Chicken Pox and you can only get it once. I'm going to ask Peter if he can take care of her during the nighttime." I exclaimed.

"Okay, I hope she gets better soon. I'm going to watch TV in the living room." Cubby exclaimed.

I got my phone out and I started to text Peter.

'Hey Peter Izzy's got the chicken pox can you come during the nighttime to take care of her?' I asked him through text.

'Sure Jake I'll help to take care of her and I'll stay with you guys during the quarantine period' Peter texted me.

'Thanks Peter see you soon' I texted him.

I went to check up on Izzy and I saw that she was scratching herself.

"Izzy! You're not allowed to scratch your chicken pox. You'll end up with scars." I exclaimed as I grabbed her wrist.

"I know but it's so itchy!" Izzy exclaimed.

"Well I've brought these oven gloves to stop you from your scratching yourself." I exclaimed as I placed the oven gloves on her hands.

"There, now you can't scratch your chicken pox." I exclaimed.

"I need to get you itching relief cream to stop you from scratching your chicken pox." I exclaimed as I went to go online to buy itching relief cream for Izzy to stop her from scratching her chicken pox.

Izzy's POV

It was getting closer to nighttime and these chicken pox was really itchy. When Jake wasn't looking, I take the oven gloves off and scratch the itchiest part of my chicken pox.

"Izzy, put the oven gloves back on your hands and don't scratch your chicken pox." Jake exclaimed as he put the oven gloves back on my hands.

"Izz, you're just going to make it worse." Jake exclaimed as we saw Peter flew into the room.

"Hey Peter, thanks for coming to help me take care of Izzy during the nighttime." Jake exclaimed.

"It's nothing Jake. Has she been scratching her chicken pox?" Peter asked him.

"Yes she has, so I had to put oven gloves on her hands to prevent her from scratching her chicken pox." Jake exclaimed.

"That's good Jake. I went to the pharmacy and I bought her itching relief cream." Peter exclaimed.

"Great, I'll rub it on her body right now." Jake exclaimed as he took the itching relief cream and went over to me.

He started to rub the itching relief cream all over my body.

"Thanks Jake, that should help." I exclaimed.

Peter's POV

Me and Jake went downstairs to the living room where Cubby and Skully were watching TV.

"Hey Peter, hey Jake! How's Izzy doing?" Cubby asked us.

"She's not really well, her chicken pox is really bad." Jake exclaimed.

"Also Cubby, you, Jake, and Skully are going to be sleeping in the guest room, so Izzy can have the bedroom to herself while she's got chicken pox." I exclaimed.

"I'm okay with it." Cubby exclaimed.

"That's great. I'll get your pillow and duvet Cubby." I exclaimed as me and Jake went to get their pillows and duvet.

Once we arrived in their bedroom, I picked up Cubby's pillow and duvet while Jake picked up his pillow and duvet and we went down to the guest room.

I set up Cubby's bed while Jake set up his own bed.

"I'm glad this is a good way to keep Izzy from spreading her chicken pox to Cubby." Jake exclaimed.

"Yeah, I can take care of Izzy while you guys are in the guest room." I exclaimed.

"Then I'll take care of her in the day time." Jake exclaimed.

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