Awake at Night/ Asleep at Day

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Izzy's POV

I was lying on my bed while Peter was giving me my medication and placing wet cloths on my forehead to bring my temperature down. It was so hot, I kicked my duvet off my legs.

"Peter, I don't feel too good and I badly want to scratch these spots." I exclaimed as I was rubbing the spots with the oven glove.

"Izzy, don't scratch or rub your chicken pox. It's just going to make it worse." Peter exclaimed as he pulled my hand away from my face.

"I'm trying not to Peter but it's so hard." I exclaimed.

"Hey Peter, how's Izzy doing?" Jake asked Peter as he walked into the bedroom with his PJs on.

"She's still feeling really hot and she keeps trying to scratch her chicken pox." Peter exclaimed.

"Izz, am I going have to handcuff your hands to your bed so you can't scratch your chicken pox?" Jake asked me.

"No I won't scratch them. I promise." I exclaimed.

"Good. Now I've came in here to get my iPad then I'm going back into the guest room." Jake exclaimed as he went over to his bed and grabbed his iPad.

"Peter, make sure she gets to sleep tonight." Jake exclaimed before he walked out of the room.

"Don't worry Jake, I'll make sure she gets to sleep tonight." Peter exclaimed.

Peter was sitting in the chair next to my bed as he was reading a book.

I was on my phone and I was scrolling through Instagram. Peter fell asleep next to me in the chair.

I was commenting and liking pictures on Instagram until I saw that Jake was on Instagram right now. He was active on it right now. It's 12:00am and he's going to know that I'm still up.

I was replying to comments on my Instagram posts of me with chicken pox until Jake replied to one of my comments.

'Izz, go to sleep. You need to rest while you've got chicken pox' Jake commented on it.

'Okay I will' I replied back.

I ended up reading stories on my phone and I was messaging someone all night because I couldn't go to sleep since I wasn't tired.

Jake's POV

I walked into our bedroom with breakfast for Izzy. I made it myself. I saw Peter sleeping on the chair next to Izzy's bed and I saw Izzy sleeping with her phone in her hand.

I placed the tray on the table and I shook Peter awake.

"Was she up all night?" I asked him as he woke up.

"I'm sorry Jake, I fell asleep." Peter exclaimed.

"It's fine. I'll ask her myself. You can go downstairs. I'll take over now." I exclaimed.

"Okay Jake." Peter exclaimed.

I gently shook Izzy awake as she slowly opened her eyes.

"Izz, wake up." I whispered as she sat up.

"Good morning Izz, here is your all day breakfast. I made it especially for you." I exclaimed as I placed the tray on her lap with her breakfast.

"Thanks Jake." Izzy exclaimed as she yawned while covering her mouth.

"You look really tired. Did you get any sleep last night?" I asked her while I was sitting on the chair next to her bed.

" five hours...two hours...twenty minutes..." Izzy exclaimed, nervously.

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