leaked relationship

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vinnie and i had kept our relationship private and well hidden for the past four months
we didn't plan on making it public,our friends knew and that was about it
i was in my room when i see a sad vinnie walk through my room
he looked like he was going to cry
y: vin what's wrong?
i held my arms out to hold him
v: they k-know
y:they know what love?
my heart dropped
v:some paparazzi took photos of us that one night at minos (let's pretend that's some local restaurant mkk)
i wasn't upset i was just scared and i knew vinnie wasn't taking this well at all
y:hey it's gonna be okay vin
he continued crying
v:i won't let them hurt you in any way i promise y/n
when vinnie and i started dating i told him i was afraid of backlash i would get from his fans and he told me he would do his best to keep everything hidden
he was sniffling and i was wiping his tears
v:at least i can show you off now
he smiled and i kissed him
y:and this means i can show you off vin
he smiled and he kissed my forehead
we decided to make a tiktok together for the first time and he was so happy

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