i wouldn't hurt you

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TW: mention of abuse
v:it was for a prank y/n! you've done pranks before haven't you?!
y:yeah but i haven't gone out of my way to kiss someone that's not you! and when i did that one time we weren't even dating yet vin!
v:ok but you understand that it was a prank right? the whole point it that it's not real, i kissed her for maybe 3 seconds max, that's not cheating!
vinnie had kissed a girl for one of alex's vlogs as a prank but i wasn't really okay with it since we were dating, i mean seeing your boyfriend kiss another girl for anything isn't really ideal.
y:and you couldn't have said no to the prank? literally anyone else could have done it vin
v:i did and then no one else wanted to and-
he lifted his hand up and i flinched and shielded my face
vinnie quickly softened up
v:y-you didn't think-?
v:you didn't think i'd hit you did you?
i nodded while shedding a couple of tears
v:fuck, y/n i would never ever do anything like that
he started crying and i knew he felt terrible
i quickly hugged him
y:hey vin it's not your fault, it's just when you did that it reminded me of my ex who did h-hit me
he hugged me and apologized a billion times
i think he was more shaken up about it than i was and i felt bad
i kept hugging him and rubbing his back until he calmed down
afterwards we watched a movie together and went to bed.

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