hallo-day? birth-ween?

Start from the beginning

"okay, i have one more thing for you actually. two, really." i stated. he seemed confused as i reached behind me and grabbed a gift bag and slid it to him.

"you didn't have to get me anything more, ma." riley told me. i shrugged.

"well, it's your birthday. i wanted to." i said.

riley reached in and grabbed the last two things i got him. the first was a transgender flag for his room and the second, which i knew he really wanted, was a-

"a binder? you got me a binder?" riley asked, solely surprised. i smiled and looked at tyler. he seemed a bit confused but he was smiling too. "you don't know how much this means to me."

"well, you know i love you. i always want you to be happy with yourself. i figured this would be a good thing to get you." i replied. riley smiled and nodded.

"thank you so much. i love you guys."

riley hugged me and then tyler hugged both of us, so it became a group hug. after a few moments it became a bit awkward and we all started giggling.

"okay so, movie time?" riley asked. we all nodded in agreement and turned the tv on.

the entire afternoon was spent watching riley's favorite horror movies. it soon became close to trick or treating time, and riley needed to get his costume on.

"you're really not gonna let me see?" i asked him. he shook his head.

"nope. dad's gonna help me get ready and then you can finally see when we're done." riley insisted.

"okay, okay. what do i do while i wait?"

"just sit in the living room, y/n. i've got this." tyler told me. i just nodded and sat on the couch, grabbing my phone.

after about an hour, it was getting extremely close to trick or treating time.

"are you guys almost ready?" i called.

"just a few minutes!" i heard riley call back.

after a few minutes, tyler and riley told me to close my eyes. i did so, and when they told me to open them, i gasped.

"holy shit." i said. in front of me was riley, dressed as a creepy clown. i had always been a claurophobe so seeing this was a bit of a shock.

"don't you love it?" riley smiled, deviously.

"you look freaking terrifying." i stated. he then faced tyler and the two high fived.

"yes! you were right dad, this did scare mom." riley said. i gave tyler a look.

"this was your idea? why am i not surprised?" i just shook my head. tyler chuckled and shrugged.

"cmon, let's go trick or treating!" riley said, now rushing us.

"then go get your pillowcase!" i replied. a look of realization flashed his face.


"a pillow case?" tyler questioned. i nodded.

"that's how we've always done it. works better than bags" i explained. he nodded in realization and riley came back with his pillowcase.

"okay, let's go!" he said.

we left the house and began walking around our neighborhood. everyone's lights were on to show that they were ready to hand out candy, so i assumed it was time.

"five bucks says we'll run into a fan." riley stated, after the first two houses.

"i don't know, you might scare them away with your costume." i chuckled.

"good. i like being scary." he said. tyler and i just giggled at him and shook our heads.

we stopped at a few more houses, but at one house someone immediately came outside and smiled at us when they noticed we arrived. i somehow could already tell it was a fan.

"are- hi, are you guys tyler, y/n, and riley?" the person asked. we nodded.

"i hope you don't mind me bothering, but do you think i could get a picture?"

we didn't want to be rude, so we took a picture with the person.

"thank you guys so much! also by the way, i love your costume riley." the fan thanked us and complimented riley.

"thank you! happy halloween." riley replied. we then walked away to find more houses.

"told you guys." riley stated.

by the end of the night, we had run into three groups of fans and had to have stopped at at least 40 houses. it soon became super cold out and riley's pillowcase was filled with candy.

"i think i'm ready to go home now. i'm cold, tired, and i think if i walk anymore my feet will fall off." riley said to tyler and i. tyler and i chuckled.

"then i guess it's time to head home." i agreed.

"yeah, i don't think we should make riley lose his feet." tyler added.

we headed home and riley put his candy on the counter. he headed to his room and grabbed pajamas, telling tyler and i he was going to shower. i just sat on the couch with tyler and lounged, as it had been a tiring day.

"what. a. day." i yawned.

"you always pull this off?" tyler asked.

"hmm?" i questioned. he shrugged.

"riley's birthday and halloween. you just pulled it off as one whole holiday and they just loved it."

"well, lucky for me, he's always loved halloween. makes it easier to do both his birthday and halloween on the same day when he likes both."

"that's fair."

i started to close my eyes when i realized i couldn't go to bed yet.

"nah, you can head to sleep. i'll make sure riley gets to bed. i know you're tired." tyler told me, reading my mind. i smiled lightly.

"you're the best." i said, already dozing off.

either i was asleep and dreaming or i was half-conscious, but i could have sworn that shortly after i could hear tyler say the words:

"i love you, y/n."

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