prologue (not)

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A quite sunny morning like usual the birds chirping the wind is whispering and the ocean is waving a four ducks walk around the beach laughing, talking, and playing around the sand but they stop what their doing when they saw a body the wave push it to the surfest the four ducks run toward the body when it came to the surfest the four look at it

"Omg a died body" said the boy with the green jacket pointing at the fainted body of a girl

The other two boy glare at the him the other one 'sign' at hes brother and the other one roll hes eyes

The girl approach the fainted body

"what happened to her" the young girl voice with a worried look said looking at the Girl

One of the boy approach her

"We better bring her back to the mansion to get her treated well ask her once she's awake" said the boy with a red shirt and a red hat

The three nodded there head a boy with blue shirt on approach the fainted body and try to carry it but he almost lost he's balance lucky hes brother the green one managed to take the other hand before they fall

"Geez she's heavy" the blue boy putting the girl he put hes hand around the girt to he's shoulder the green one did the same

The two carry the fainted girl to the mansion while the other two follow behind

After a while of walking they eventually made it to the gate the four look up will there still a mountain to walk up to the mansion

"why is it so far" the blue one whines

"Ugh why would the mansion be at the top of a mountain" the other green boy whine as will

"Come on guys we can do it" said the girl

"Yeah so stop whining" said the red boy crossing he's arm

"Easy for you to say we're carrying a died body" said the green

"She's not died" red yell

(I'm gonna go with there color until y/n or you wake up on your 'sleep')

The green roll hes eyes and mumble 'whatever' the four continue to walk to the long road after fell like centuries they made it to the front of the mansion

After putting the fainted girl in there coach a woman walk into the room and see what is happening after seeing the girl she ask what happened the four explain what happened after that she left to get a medical just in case the girl need it after she wake up

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