Rae + OC: If We Were a Movie

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{Rae's  POV}

I eagerly waited in the movie theater, popcorn and soda in hand. This was my first date in...forever and I really like this guy so I'm hoping this date will go well!

I made myself comfortable in my assigned seat and watched as some previews were shown. However, as I noticed more and more previews were playing and more seats were filling up, the seat next to me was still empty.

Where the hell is Jacob?

Finally, the lights started to dim and my heart sank when the seat was still not occupied. Frowning, I pulled out my phone to message this guy but I see he beat me to it.

Jacob <3
hey! don't think I'm gonna make it

I know we talked about this date for a while and that you really like me but I gave into the fact that maybe you shouldn't date your idol

that and I can't see myself in a relationship with you or anyone at this moment. I'm in a groove with one night stands so 🤷‍♂️

I can pay you back for the movie ticket! hope you enjoy it!

Heartbroken, I blocked his number and sat back in a huff. I hadn't even noticed that there was someone sitting two seats away from me. I guess whoever it was noticed I was in distress because they slid over a seat, now sitting next to me.

"Hey," the person spoke softly. "I'm gonna guess one of two things just happened to you: one, your best friend called in sick and couldn't make the movie, or two, you just got stood up."

Stunned, I blinked at girl and shook my head at her. But before I could answer, she spoke first.

"I'm gonna go with number two," she said with a smile that I could barely see in the dimmed lights. "If you don't mind, I could keep you company for the movie! Every Sunday, I go to the theater by myself just for a little treat to end the week. Or start the week. However you see it."

Still in shock, I let the stranger keep talking. "Well, I will take your silence as a 'no'. I'll just move on back to my—"

"No!" I tried to shout as quietly as I could. "I mean, I wouldn't mind the company. I know this movie is gonna be a tad scary and I'm a bit of a scaredy-cat so I'd like to know someone is by my side."

Although barely visible, I could tell there was a smile playing about this stranger's lips. I scooted closer to her and rested my head on her shoulder. Comfy already, I buried my face in her neck, smiling against her skin.

"Can I ask your name, stranger?" I mumbled softly.

"Beckett King," she swiftly replied. "But I like to go by Beck. And you are?"

"I'm Rachell, but I like to go by Rae," I smiled even wider against her neck.

Unexpectedly, Beck laced her hand in mine, giving it a tight squeeze. "It's nice to meet you, Rae. Sadly, we're gonna have to put our introductions on pause. The movie's starting."


After a grueling nearly two hours later, the lights came on as the film ended. Finally, I got to see what Beck looked like.

Oh my God...

She's beautiful.

"Rae?" fingers were snapped in front of my face. "Are you okay?"

I blinked a few times to gather my bearings. "Oh! Yeah, sorry. I'm good! What, uh...what did you say?"

Beck smiled widely at me. "I asked if you enjoyed the movie. Admiring my good looks already?"

She chuckled at herself and I couldn't help but to smile at the sound. God, could she get any more perfect?

"I did like it," I finally answered, purposely ignoring her second question. "I could do without the scary bits though."

"How would you know what was scary? You hid your face in my neck the whole time!" Beck laughed as she guided me out of the theater and to the outside of the building.

"I could still hear, you know," I giggled at her.

"Do you have a ride home?" Beck all of a sudden changed the subject.

Thinking about it, I figured out that I, in fact, did not have a ride home. "I don't actually," I replied.

"Would you like one?" Beck stood in front me, fully facing me now. It was kind of intimidating. She was a bit taller than me, she had this hard look to her but I knew she was just a big ol' softie.

"I'd appreciate that, thank you," I smiled up at the blonde. "But how will I know that you won't take me to the woods or something and murder me?"

Beck chuckled a little and ran a hand through her beautiful mane of hair before sticking that hand out toward me. "I guess you'll have to trust me then."


"Thank you again, Beck, I really do appreciate everything that you've done since the moment we met," I said genuinely to the blonde.

As we reached my new house's front steps, the taller of the two of us shrugged her shoulders and stuffed her hands in her jacket's pockets. "It's no big deal. You see a pretty girl in the movie theater by herself, what else are you to do except keep her company?"

I smiled at her humor and stepped closer to her. I cupped one of her cheeks with my hand and stood on my tip toes to peck her other cheek. I saw a tint of pink blush over Beck's cheeks as she smiled sheepishly toward the ground.

"I'll see you around?" I asked hopefully.

Beck smiled fully and nodded. "Definitely."

With that, my movie partner walked back to her car and waved goodbye before she pulled out of my driveway. My smile never left my face as I turned to open my front door. However, I stopped in my tracks when I felt a slip of paper in my pocket as I was trying to get my keys.

You have to admit, I am way better than whoever stood you up...
So what's our next movie? :)
Beck <3

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