𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐓𝐰𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐲-𝐄𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭.

Start from the beginning

Lapping his smaller hand with her own the younger swayed it by the chain for several seconds.

Her eye's didn't move from the pendant despite the many chitter-chatter questions being thrown her away. "Where did you get that?" Biting her tongue for its agile tone her eye's widened even further the more she inspected.

"It's a sorta good luck charm and family air loom all in one." He explained. "My Father gifted it to my Mother who gave it to me and then I'll gift it to my Brother and so on! I think the guy who gave it to them still works around here actually. "I know it isn't much but my Mama taught me this, it's supposed to bring you good fortune."

"You gotta tell us your biggest fear though!" The other added cheerfully. "You can't expect good things to happen if you keep a tight hold on the things that brought you pain or suffering in the first place. Even if it's really sad I promise it's okay!" Grasping her free hand each boy squeezed lightly. "We'll help so it won't be so scary."

A trickle of sweat seemed to drip from her forehead and though Y/N knew just how impossible her wish would amount to be...Yet that pesky sliver of hope still gathered up into the bundle of nerves chaining her heart.

"I had one just like that." For someone so cold her voice shook so much for one sentence. "Sorry...You wouldn't happen to know the name of the Boy who sells these?"

"No." They each frowned, the younger of the duo shooting up to point toward behind their tree and picnic spot. "He's sometimes napping under there though! But first, you gotta answer our question so it works, otherwise-"

"AOBA! HOSHI!" A frantic call interrupted their conversation. An elder woman who looked all too divine to be reaching her thirties rushed over, her oversized sun hat shielding her flustered cheeks as she pulled both boys away. "We told you to stay in our eyesight!" She scolded. "You know better than to talk to strangers!"

"But Mom!" The elder boy, now identified as Aoba whined, Hoshi following suit as he rubbed his chubby cheek against his mother's arm. "We were just giving Miss a good luck charm cause she gave us chocolate!"

"I apologize if they caused you any trouble and you didn't have to do such a nice thing, please excuse us-" She had cut herself off the second Y/N lifted her head, and the Woman's once relaxed demeanor tensed in an instant as she staggered back, throwing her arms tightly around her sons. "I-I'm sorry...Shizen! SHIZEN!" She called her husband.

"Mama?" Hoshi frowned. "What's wrong? She's nice!"

"Go back and watch your Sister for a second." Though each boy wanted to jump into a defensive argument they had never seen their Mother look at someone with such ghost-like fear, she had turned whiter than a sheet and her fingers shook as she pushed each of them away. "Go, now! Do it boys!" She ordered. "D-Don't come near my Sons." The order while meant as a threat sounded more like a whimper. "Please...Please don't harm them. They didn't mean to bother you!"

"I would never-"

"Hey!" A taller man instantly wrapped his shaking wife in his arms and pulled her head into the crook of his neck to face away. "Don't come near my family, do you hear me!?" The ravenette snapped and while Y/N didn't retort, his eerily similar appearance to her own Father had taken her off completely. "Shoulda never let you out..." He grumbled, directing the woman to rejoin their children with the boys looking over in pure confusion.

He glared at her as if she were a mere parasite on this earth but it was a look that had never escaped Y/N since her crimes came to light, there were three main responses people would give her.

Most looked at her with pure disgust and passed silent judgment with bitter insults under their breaths and spreading rumors full of slander that amounted to hatred, others chose brittle fear and such an emotion resulted in the small things. Crossing the street after seeing the Monster of Tokyo, that ever the same drop in their eyes. Finally, there was Anger though not the same as in being scolded at or battling in an argument, it was a passive-aggressive display where no words needed to be spoken towards Y/N for her to understand just how they felt about her mere existence.

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