Extra Crispy Bacon

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The sunlight flickers through the windows and causes your eyelids to flutter. The scent of breakfast infiltrates your senses, along with the easily recognizable smell of something charred. You roll your eyes in amusement as you toss off the covers and head to the bathroom to wash up. On the way to the kitchen, you pause in the doorway to see your favourite person mumbling curses to themself as they gently try to deal with the mess they'd made.
"I don't like a dirty workspace,'' they'd utter with a crinkled nose and a shake of their head. You chuckle to yourself at the memory.

They turn around, a bashful smile on their face. "I was trying to make breakfast, but me thinks the bacon here is a little bit too crispy." hoisting up a smoking pan, with the oily, charred remains of what you can now identify as bacon.
You raise a brow, the smile that somehow found your face, never leaving. "Not that I don't love when you cook, but what's the occasion?"
They raise their brows, placing a hand on their heart, scoffing, " Oh- well I never! Can't I just do something for the person I wish to spend the rest of my life with? The keeper of my heart, my reason for living?"
You can't help but laugh as you cross your arms. Walking closer and you lean in and tease, "Okay, what did you do? What's broken and where do we need to buy a new one?"
They blush and like always, their hands find your waist,"Nothings broken, I genuinely just wanted to do something for you since you've been working so hard." They move to kiss your forehead and you can feel your face heat up.
Heath Legder would be impressed with your current smile. Burying your face into their shoulder causes them to let out a chuckle of their own and they hold you tighter. Turning to face your ear, they mumble gently, "Y'know babe, you deserve the world, and I'd smash through any barriers to get you it." They lean backwards to look at you with a cheeky grin. "Just like what gravity did to that vase we got a couple weeks ago" 

You gasp and hit their chest lightly as they laugh, "I knew something was broken!"
They scramble out of your grip leaving you to chase after them, giggling while dodging your attempts to hit them with kitchen towels.

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