"I felt like taking a dip, I hope you don't mind that I'm wearing one of your swimsuits and your pool" She said starting to get into the warm water. I walked over to her and helped her in. Her arms stayed around my neck and my hands went to her waist. I took her to the edge of the pool where she had met me seconds ago.

Without realizing it our faces were already millimetres apart. One of her hands went to my face while the other remained on my neck. One of my hands that was on her waist pulled her injured leg up so that it was bent at the level of my waist.

The next second our mouths met as they had a few years ago. Our tongues fought for dominance, I squeezed her waist making her sigh and dominated the kiss.

A feeling of guilt washed over me as I came back to the reality that I was kissing my brother's girlfriend.

"Stop it" I pulled away closing my eyes and taking a deep breath. "We can't. You're my brother's girlfriend. This is wrong" I leaned on the pool wall.

"You're right..." Natasha said lowering her head.

"Let's go inside..." I spoke placing myself next to her for support. Natasha just leaned in without saying anything.

"I'll get the water ready" I said putting on some pants and a shirt, leaving her alone in the room. This can't happen again. Atlas would be heartbroken if he knew, he is my brother I can't do that to him. As much as I felt that that kiss had been wrong, I felt that at the same time it had been so right....

I turned around so Natasha could get comfortable in the tub and make herself comfortable.

"You can turn around now" I heard her say. I turned as she had told me and was met with a slightly nervous Natasha with foam all over her body and sort of covering her body from my view.

"Why are you trying to hide it?" I asked placing myself at the same height as the tub.

"My body has quite a few scars..." She said looking into the void.

"Natasha" I took her hands and removed the ones from the body parts she had tried to hide. "You are beautiful just the way you are" I looked into her eyes but hers were telling me that she thinks I was just saying that to cheer her up. "Look" I stood up and removed my shirt also showing the scars that ran across my body. "We all have scars. Some on the inside and some on the outside, but that doesn't make you an ugly person. Natasha, you are beautiful. It doesn't matter what your body looks like or how many scars you have. Beauty is not always what you see."

I bent down again and picked up the sponge. I moved her hair to one side and started washing her back. Her hand touched one of my scars on my arm making me shiver. "Ambush, 2019" I told her moving on to wash her arms. "Can you wash your chest?" I asked stopping her with the sponge at the beginning of her chest.

"Yes" As she said I turned around respecting her privacy. She touched me out of nowhere on a scar on my shoulder.

"Shooting, 2021" I said looking at her hand on my skin.

"You can turn around now" She removed her hand and I turned to her.

"May I?" I asked taking her wounded leg.

"You may" I took her leg and felt her eyes on me.

"After the shower I will disinfect this and put new bandages on you" I said moving to her other leg.

"That's a big one" She commented on my latest acquisition, the one I showed Atlas a few hours ago.

"That was for your boyfriend" I told her snidely.

"Did he do that to you?" She asked, the tone of her voice concerned.

"It wasn't him but it was for him" I took a deep breath before speaking again. "They expected him not me and that's it they were more than me. London, 2022"

"It's from this year" Natasha commented running her delicate fingers across that scar.

"That's the price to pay for doing what I do" I replied turning fully towards her.

"Were you already doing it when we met?" She asked curiously never letting go of my eyes.

"I was just beginning to start my training" We stared at each other for a few moments until I realized that my skin was wet from the closeness of our bodies.

"I should move away" I started to move only to be brutally stopped by Natasha.

"And that's what you want?" She asked staring at me.

"It's the right thing to do" I looked away from her. Lightly she pulled my chin so that I was looking at her again.

"But it's not what you want, is it?" Natasha asked looking between my eyes and my lips.

"Natasha don't make this more complicated than it already is" I took a deep breath trying to contain myself both outside and inside.

"Tell me to stop now" Slowly she brought her face closer connecting our lips. As much as I wanted to stop I couldn't.

My body was pulled into the tub getting all wet. Natasha placed herself on top of me without stopping kissing me. My hands explored her naked back, the softness of her skin."Even after five years your lips still taste the same," she commented, separating us for breathlessness.

"Good to know, I missed yours" I said smiling like an idiot. Natasha put her head against my chest and I put my arms around her. "What are we going to do?" I asked afraid of her answer.

"I like Atlas, Alex. I can't leave him" I froze for a moment taking inside what she just said. I can't believe she kissed me, more than one time, and says that she likes my brother.

"We were both emotional, this didn't meant anything" I said getting up from the tub and drying off as much water of my body and of my pants as I could. "I brought some clothes for you to put on, they are over there on the sink" I walked to the door and got out.

I changed my wet clothes for something dry and after about 15 minutes she came out of the bathroom.

"Sit down on the bed. I'll take care of your wound" I told her, then grabbed the first aid kit.

"Alex-" Natasha tried to speak but I was in no mood to talk to her.

"There's nothing to talk about" I squatted down and made a fresh bandage.

"I'm taking you to your room so you can rest" I affirmed picking her up and starting to leave my room. She didn't even protest, she simply remained silent.

I laid her down on her bed and left. 

I went back to my room to change into some sports clothes and then went to the training room. I needed to distract myself. I stayed there for at least 3 hours until I heard Wanda's voice in the hallway.

"What happened?" she asked, handing me a towel to wipe the sweat that was running down my body.

"Natasha. Natasha happened" I replied running my hands over my face.

My Brother's GirlfriendWhere stories live. Discover now