Hamraaz- Pt 8

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Rapture was all Darya felt as she remained still, rooted in her place as though under a spell- and she was.

The spell that Zamurad's lips had casted the moment they touched hers made her heart lurch out of her chest. The numbing of her brain as all her thoughts melted into nothingness and left her at
the mercy of the man in whose arms she was in, Darya could do nothing but try to hold onto her sanity.

Her body never felt an ecstasy as the one in that moment. The warmth that spread across her entire being made her surrender herself to Zamurad who gladly became the one she relied on. Her arms gently placed themselves on his shoulders, the action so smooth and subtle that the mere touch made Zamurad shudder.

The air around them shifted. The once sorrow had now turned into a diminished memory while an intense need to have more replaced it with great joy.

Zamurad wrapped his arms around her waist, pulling her gingerly as closer as possible to himself. Her toes overlapped his, their chests touched each other in the most pleasant of forces while their eyes just shut themselves from the rest of the world, giving full control to their sense of touch.

Their lips remained intact in the softest of ways, nothing too aggressive nor a desperate need to have more. They relinquished the logical side of their actions. All that was left was them, the tranquillizing silence and the giggling breeze that caressed the two as though trying to sooth the battle between their blood and its veins.

Darya gasped softly as Zamurad detached his lips from hers, the need to breathe kicked in as the two hungrily took as much of the oxygen around and before Darya could open her eyes, her lips were held captive in the most pleasant of ways without any warning or hesitation.

Zamurad tried not to shiver at how pastel her lips felt against his. A touch so tantalizing, brutally closer to that of a dream- a dream that he wasn't ready to wake up from.

The molecules in the air brought themselves undeniably closer, as if to match the intensity behind the two lover's actions. Their holds on each other turned from tender to a vow of never letting go. Their arms tightened around each other, both of them trying to hold on for a little longer. Their lungs begged for air but their hearts begged for more of the sinful touches that they were now tainted in.

Darya finally felt herself slipping. Her palms gave a gentle push to his shoulders, as if wanting to separate just for a little before resuming their not-so-saint of actions.

Zamurad opened his eyes on feeling her need to intake more air, a sound so unfathomably pleasing left the back of her throat as he subtly touched his tongue with hers, indulging them in a play of their own before finally releasing her lips, setting them free only for now.

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