chapter 11

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" I'm confused because James said that Jake liked me but I don't think he does he hasn't spoken to me since I moved here,and James has been acting a bit strange around me lately."

"Well for a fact I know that Jake likes you and he isn't speaking to you because he thinks you like James and I think he is jealous" Reece said.
"REECE, ELLA COME HERE NOW!!!" Charlie screamed.

I ran downstairs as fast as I could "What is it" I shouted coming in the living room. As I ran in the living room I tripped over Tom's foot and landed face first on the floor.

All the boys burst apart from James and Jake (because they weren't in here) laughing. I got up and gave them all a glare and they all shut up. "What did you shout me down for ?" I asked Charlie frustrated.

"Go have a look for yourself it's in the kitchen" Charlie said. I walked over to the kitchen and as I got closer I heard shouting. I peeped my head around the door and Jake and James were arguing.

Ella Jones (Charlie Jones sister) stereo kicksOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant