Chapter 5

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I walked into the kitchen and looked at the Caller ID it was my friend Katie.
I answered it and this is the conversation I had (K is for Katie and E is for Ella)

E - heyya
K - heyy I'm just ringing to see how it is going so far with your mum.
E - its absolutely amazing, do you know like I said that my mother has another child as well as me guess who that other child is
K - who is it I'm not that good at guessing so TELL ME
K - OMG your kidding me right
E - nope it's true, he's here with all the other boys
K - I don't believe you
E - okay fine I'll just put you on loud speaker and ask the boys to come and talk to you then.
K - OMG really
E - one minute

"Boys come here" they all came running in one by one. I burst out laughing because of their faces they looked so worried.
"What's wrong" jake asked. "My friend doesn't believe that Charlie is my brother" I said. I put her on speaker and told her she was on speaker. "Was that jake that just asked you what was wrong" she asked "yes it was" jake said
She screamed as loud as she could and nearly broke all of our ears .
"Gosh Katie shut the hell up" I heard her brother sam shout in the background . "Sorry I just heard jake sims voice down the phone if it was you you'd probably do the same" I burst out laughing at that part. "I don't even know who jake sims is all i know is that he is someone that you and Ella are obsessed with especially Ella" he said.

all the boys just stared at me then. I went bright red in the face. "Shut the hell up Sam that was private you didnt have to tell the whole world" Katie shouted back. "Anyway I believe you now" she said. "okay I have to go now text ya later bye" I said before hanging up.

I pushed passed all the boys and ran upstairs to my room and slammed the door shut.
Just then my Phone started ringing I answered it without even looking at the caller id.
"Hi Ella I am so sorry I didn't know that Jake was listening Katie just told me I feel like such an idiot."
"Don't worry Sam I mean you did embarrass me but you didn't know that he was listening"
"What did he say?"
"Oh he hasn't said anything yet because I didn't give anyone a chance to speak I just ran upstairs and slammed the door shut " we both started laughing until
Knock knock
"Come in"
The door opened and in come charlie
"Is it true?" Charlie asked?

Ella Jones (Charlie Jones sister) stereo kicksUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum