chapt. 7 [last chapter!!]

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It was time for school, so, going over his usual routine, Damien almost broke his phone turning off his alarm, fell out of bed, changed his clothes, brushed his teeth, “forgot” to say “bye” to dad, and absolutely, constantly, thought about Pip.

He was very worried, not to seem like a girl on Tinder, but “what are we?” Was the only question on his mind.

He ran into the school entrance, sprinting through the corridor, until he stopped, as he saw Philip.

“Oh, good morning Damien!”
Pip never failed to make Damien smile, even if it was a small greeting, usual of Pip’s well manners.

“Good morning.”

Philip looked 10x more excited than usual, he grabbed Damien and hugged him, which was definitely a surprise to Damien. He hasn’t been hugged, ever, he doesn’t even remember the last time he’s felt so safe, comforted, yet as he was definitely confused, he just patted Pip’s back until he let go of him.

They both just smiled awkwardly until someone broke the silence.
“Heeeeeey looosers! And how are you both doing this fine morning?”

The duo both gave Kenny their greetings and stood as Kenny asked a question.

"So? Did someone have the balls to give you the letter, Pip?”
“Uh-.. yeah..”

Damien awkwardly looked to the side and scratched his neck as Pip looked down at his shoes, as he fidgeted with his hands.

Damien pulled Kenny’s hair as he punched Kenny’s face.
Although, Kenny was unfortunately saved by the bell, as Damien had planned to physically hurt him even more, but he had to wait until later.

4 hours of classes passed of what Damien felt to be eternity. Annoying teachers left and right seemed to be bothering him today. Pip noticed that, but he felt it was best not to say anything.

Lunchtime had come to begin and after an awkward silence between Damien and Philip, Pip spoke up,
“Damien, can I be your boyfriend?”
Damien blushed at the sudden straight-forwardness of Pip, he nodded in agreement and then a “right-o!” finished their short conversation.

"Seriously? Just like that? I was better off watching rom-coms than rooting for the two of you.” Kenny pulled a chair and sat down next to Philip, facing Damien.

“What an awkward way to a start of a relationship.”
“Shut up Kenny before I bash your head into concrete.”

Philip smiled and continued,
“Kenny, you watch rom-coms?” A giggle was heard from the Brit as Damien started to laugh too, to make fun of Kenny.

Yes the fanfic ends with them making fun of Kenny, the true perfect ending.

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