The boy kicked Allen's chair back and walked towards where James was hiding, not looking back when Allen hit the ground with a dull thud. James nodded at Sirius before leaping up and casting expelliarmus at the boy. The boy dodged the red charm easily and brought his hand up, the table levitating before flying towards James, narrowly missing his head as he ducked and heard the table smash into a wall. 

"Hello Potter," the boy spat, "Expulso!" 

James flew into the wall and slumped to the ground, groaning in pain. 

"James!" he heard Sirius yell. 

"Sirius Black," the boy said, dodging one of Sirius' spells, "My lucky day." 

"Not for long you little brat," Sirius growled, "Reducto!" 

James watched as the boy easily cast a full body shield, like a cocoon of blue wrapped around his body. The curse flew off it and rebounded back to Sirius, who jumped to get out of its way. 

"Bombarda Maxima!" the boy shouted, aiming his wand at the ceiling and watching as the rubble fell on Sirius. 


A blast of purple light hit the boy square in the back, and was immediately rebounded by the shield. Moody, who had cast the curse, deflected it and ran at the boy. 

The boy laughed and punched Moody in the jaw, stepping on his face while he was down. Something about that action lit a fire in James, and he slowly got to his feet. The boy spotted the movement. 

"You just don't know when to give up, do you Potter?" 

The hatred with which he said James' name astounded him. No child should ever have evilness like that tainting their voice. 

"Expelliarmus!" James yelled, growling in frustration when the boy just stepped out of his way. 

"Why so kind Potter?" the boy said, cocking his head to the side, "Why not go for the kill?" 

James glared at him, "You're a child," he spat. 

"Oh? And what if I kill your precious son? Am I a child then?" 

Theo. He knew about Theo. 

"Imagine all the ways I could kill him Potter," the boy hissed like a snake, "Imagine how he would scream-"

"Diffindo," James growled. 

A large slash was made on the boy's chest, dripping blood down his shirt and onto the floor beneath him, mixing with the puddles the rain had created. The boy laughed, blood staining his teeth. 

"Good job Potter," he said, spitting a mouthful of blood, "I didn't think you had it in you." He hissed in pain, clutching a hand to his chest. "I'm afraid I have to go now. Expulso," he murmered, watching as James flew away from him, landing in a heap on the ground. 

James watched through groggy eyes as the boy walked slowly to Allen, leaving a trail of blood as he did. Allen lay cowering on the floor, covering his face with his hands. James tried to yell out as the boy pointed his wand at the man. 

"Avada Kedavra." 

The words, muttered meaninglessly, coldly. No ounce of remorse or hesitation. The last thing James saw was the boy apparating away into the night. 


Harry appeared in the foyer of Riddle Manor, collapsing as soon as his feet hit the ground. His vision spotted as he pressed a hand to his chest, trying to stem the bleeding. 

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