14. Talking

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"So, Y/N." You rolled your eyes. You could just imagine Olive smirking and twirling her hair.

"Whatever this call is about, make it quick. I'm... busy." To be more specific, your were busy making your way over to Gator Golf, which you still were nervous about despite telling yourself over and over that it was fine. Monty was fine. Everything would be fine.
You and Monty had some very interesting things to discuss - like Monty's love life, among other things. Knowing that Monty would be spilling the tea about it all was pretty much the only reason you had convinced yourself to actually show up. You were a sucker for some good drama.

"Surely you know what this call is about."

You frowned. "No...?"
The sound of your footsteps and the far-away tune of the daycare theme echoed around you as you walked. For the first time in a while, you'd seen some security guards. You used to see them all the time when you were on nightshift, and you even recognized some of them (though you doubted any of them remembered you). You had never really talked to them, or even known their names, but you still cared about them. It was good to know they were alright.

"It's about the thing that happened a couple of days ago. Does that ring any bells?" Olive had this way of being cryptic and smug and giving you the you-know-nothing-and-I-know-everything look that really made your skin crawl.

You didn't respond.

Olive let out an exasperated sigh. "I really have to spell it out for you, don't I? God, are you naturally this dumb or do you have to put in effort? I'm talking about when Bonnie kissed you."

Oh. That. One of the brilliant things about you is that you could tell yourself so many lies that it would just naturally become your reality. In this case, Bonnie didn't kiss you was one of them. You didn't think the kiss was bad - quite the opposite. Kind of. It wasn't even a real kiss - he probably just did it out of kindness. Anyone would. Right? That was normal. Surely.

"Rrrrriiiiiigghht." You stubbornly slapped your blushing cheeks, "I totally forgot about that. Sorry. I mean- why should I be sorry? Anyways- yeah. He kissed me, no big deal, not freaking out, it's fine, I'm fine." Finally, you understood what 'having butterflies in your stomach' was.

"Uh-huh. Let's get straight to the point, hun. Do you like him?"

You stopped in your tracks. "Of course! He's nice and funny and sweet and..." Suddenly you realized. "WAIT. Do you mean what I think you mean? Because if it's like that-" You laughed to yourself, raking your hand through your hair excessively, "NO. He's a fucking animatronic! Besides, I'm not ready for a romantic relationship. Especially with an robot who probably doesn't even know what love is. That's just... wrong." Something died inside of you.

You could hear Olive's wife talking in the muffled, crackly background noise of the phone call. "Woah - calm down L/N. I was just messing with you. That was a... pretty intense reaction. Only someone who really cared about that animatronic would react like that." Olive's wife talked again. Olive yelled, "Coming babe!" Then she hung up.

Well, that had been... confusing. You began to walk again, trying to focus back on the task at hand: getting to Monty and talking to him. The task wasn't thinking about Bonnie so you weren't going to think about him. That was that. But of course, controlling your mind was pretty much impossible, and you always found yourself back with him. What was wrong with you?

Still trying to sort out the muddle of thoughts in your head, you finally reached Montgomery Golf. The bright lime green lights blazed down on your back as you navigated the place. Monty didn't actually know you were coming here, but surely he wouldn't be busy.

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