Thorin Oakenshield

Start from the beginning

"Wow. You must be so proud of yourself. To have the courage to show up at someone else's house and make asumptions of them, olny based on their appearance. It seems like your parents didn't raise you well, now did they. It's as if I'd say you don't look like a warrior, and more like a stableboy. "

"Andrea, please. Stop being so dramatic and come back inside so we can talk business. ", Gandalf said annoyed. She did as she was told and went back inside. As everyone turned away to go back into the dining room, she slammed the door shut with her foot. The loud bang made everyone jump in surprise. Gandalf gave her a disaproving look.

"Oopsie," she chirped and put on a smile. Grumbling, the dwarves continued on their way. The new dwarf sat down and a red-bearded dwarf wanted to give him something to eat. But Andrea had other plans and snatched it right from under the new dwarf's nose. She wanted answers at last. And this dwarf would not fill his stomach until she got some. With an indignant look, all the men stared at her. 

"What was that for?" barked the red bearded.

"Shut up!",Andy snapped back. The newcomer stood up and towered over her angrily.

"You don't talk to Gloin like that. To any of them!" he roared. Andy looked up at him.

"Nobody asked you, tramp," she shot back. More than one gasp was to be heard. 

"How dare you!" Kili shouted, jumping up from his seat. "Have you any idea, whom you are speaking to?"

Andy just lifted an eyebrow, not breaking the eye contact with the blue-eyes dwarf in front of her. "No idea. However, I'm positive, you are about to tell me. "

"This is Thorin, son of Thrain, son of Thror. King under the lonely mountain", Fili presented his uncle with pride in his voice.

"Oh. Is that so?", Andy asked mockingly and bowed to him. "Welcome to my humble home, Princess. However, I've heard someone new moved in under the mountain."

An angry growl escaped Thorin. His hand went to his belt where his weapon hung. But before he could either kill her, skin her or yeet her to the moon and back, Gandalf interfered.

"Andrea! That's enough of you for one night!" his angry voice called across the room. She had crossed a line. "Now give this poor dwarf his food. He's come a long way and has a long way to go. Leave him be."

Andrea turned to him and they engaged in a silent stare battle. Suddenly, Andrea realized, what she was diong. Biblo would be so disapointed in her. The Hobbit inside of her took over again. She gently put the plate on the table again, hoasting her guest like a Hobbit should. 

"Enjoy," was all she said to Thorin, gave him a smile and went back to her usual place, the couch. For a second Thorin stared after this little woman, not knowing what had just happened. 

"What is the news from the meeting in Erid Luin? Did they all come?" Balin asked as Thorin ate. Andy thought that was kind of rude. They should at least let the poor guy finish his meal in peace before pestering him with questions. Accept her, of course. She's allowed to pester anyone whenever she wants.

"Aye", Princess under the mountain confirmed. "Envoys from all seven kingdoms. "

"And what do the dwarves from the Iron Hills say", Balin urged further. "Is Dain with us?"

Thorin suddenly didn't seem so hungry anymore and put his spoon down. "They will not come. They say this quest is ours and ours alone. "

Andy frowned. Even though she didn't yet know what this council was about, she felt ashamed that no one wanted to help. Especially their own people. With a deep sigh, Andy shut her book again, voluntarily for the first time in a long time. Her beloved stories would have to wait. Reality needed her.

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