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Angel pov   "Girl you look good

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Angel pov
   "Girl you look good." I laughed at sky as she fixed her shirt. "My good sis already nervous." Heaven laughed opening the car door as we all did the same.

    We walked inside the house seeing girls shaking ass as guys stood behind them.

    We caught the attention of almost everyone and i knew we would stick out like some sore thumbs since we always overdress.

     As we walked through the crowd i could feel the stares of horny guys staring at my ass since i wore leather pants.

       "Y'all want a drink?" Sky asked and i shook my head at her offer. My goal was to stay as sober as possible.

    Some people said that alcohol conflicted with their morals and i didn't want that to happen to me.

      We heard thot shit by Megan thee stallion play through the speaker. "This my shit!" Heaven screamed starting to twerk.

"Step killing her ass." I laughed causing her to stick her middle finger up at me but go back to dancing.

We began all getting hyped up around Heaven since she was really throwing that shit.

The attention was no longer on the other, older girls dancing and now on all of us.

"Y'all some fools!" I yelled laughing. Some guys offered us many drinks that we declined.

"Shots!" Sky yelled with a platter of glasses that were obviously not shots since the glasses were the size of a normal cup

Everyone around us hyping us up, and me not wanting to be seen as a party pooper once we looked back on this memory took a shot.

"That shit was nasty as fuck." I laughed putting the now empty glass down.

"You down that shit." Aaliyah laughed doing the same. Aaliyah did that easily since she drunk from time to time.

"We lit!" Some random boy yelled turning around taking a picture of everyone in the room and posting it.

Sky grabbed the hand of some boy as he guided her back to one room and she happily followed.

Getting a call i told the girls i would be back and walked out the front door.

"Hello?" I asked and my mom answered the phone. "Thank god, where are yall? Tasha (sky's mom) said that no one is home not even sky. I demand to know right now!" She screamed over the phone.

"chill we on the way home we went late night shopping, its a thing now." I said and her her loudly sigh.

"best believe punishment is in full effect when y'all get home." She said and i rolled my eyes.

"Ima tell Amari to come get you because i know he knows." She said and i sighed.

"don't send him, ma we're good for real." I said growing frustrated. "He just text me back saying he gone get y'all ass." She said hanging up.

Walking back in i had seen everything had calmed down for the most part. "Aaliyah tell me why your deranged mama sending Amari to come get us." I shook my head in disbelief.

"I understand getting you but i'm grown." She teased me. "Apparently not to her." I laughed gathering my things.

Shortly after Amari pulled up with us not noticing over the music he was forced to come in.

"come on little girl." He said grabbing my hand as i grabbed Aaliyah's. "You had fun?" He pecked my lips once i got in the car.
"Yeah honestly, it was cooler than i thought.

After the drive back home me and Amari said our goodbyes and went inside awaiting punishment.

"Sit down." Our mom said at the kitchen table. "Now where were y'all?" She asked and we both didn't speak. "every lie makes the punishment worse." She said and i sighed.

"We were at a party." I said and she nodded. "Who's?" She asked me. "What? how would i know that?" I asked knowing the full truth would be exposed soon.

"so you went to a party and didn't know who was throwing it?" Our dad jumped in shaking his head.

He was an officer but at home our mom did most of the interrogation as he just watched like back up.

"Here's what's going to happen." She said in a tone i never heard before. "Angel your curfew is 9 on school nights 10 on weekends." She said and i nodded since that was reasonable.

"Aaliyah your curfew is 10 on school nights and 11 on weekends, since your already 18." She said making Aaliyah nod.

It irritated me that she was quiet through all of this leaving me to answer all the questions.

"No boys in the bedrooms if no adult is home, we expect y'all to stop splurging on useless crap until y'all have a job to pay for it." She said causing Aaliyah and I to sigh.

"Thats not even fair!" Aaliyah sucked her teeth. "We never asked, y'all broke our trust." Our dad chimed in again.

Though Aaliyah was mad I was happy that they cared about me enough to set rules and boundaries since i never had that.

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