Chapter XVI: Explanations

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Time did not stop between so many occupations. It was incredible that you were about to celebrate a year of marriage. Your parents had asked you to meet in Daegu to celebrate, so you guys planned a weekend to travel.

They had prepared a dinner at your parents' house and everyone was enjoying together drinking, chatting pleasantly and exchanging jokes.

Yoongi's mom commented that she was crazy to meet her first grandchild. You two blushed. Your mom added that he or she would be the most precious baby in the world, but that you were still young, she wanted you to at least complete your degree before becoming a mother. While talking about the subject, she asked you if you were planning in order to avoid pregnancy.

Your face burned in shame. Everyone assumed that Yoongi and you had a marriage like any other, only you two knew what was going on. You stayed silent.

Mom: Daughter, why don't you answer? Aren't you guys taking care?

Suga was scratching his head, he was also embarrassed by the questions.

Dad: Are you trying to get pregnant? We thought you'd both want to wait.

Y/n: No dad, we're not trying to get pregnant. I am very focused on my studies and Yoongi-oppa works hard on his career.

It was the first time in long that you called him oppa, you just did it to avoid suspicion.

Mom: Then what? Are you just being careless? You're lucky it hasn't happened yet. I would like you to go to a doctor and start with a plan as soon as possible. Yoongi, can you make sure to find her a doctor in Seoul?

Suga's eyes widened.

Yoongi: Yes, aunt I will do it when we get back.

They put the subject aside and continued talking about when you were children, bringing to mind many anecdotes. You looked at Suga with obvious distress in your eyes. He was also upset that you were reaching your first anniversary without having been able to consummate the marriage, and having to pretend that everything was normal.

Then Yoongi's mom took out a photo album from the wedding ceremony.

Aunt: I've had this for a year. You guys were supposed to take it with you, but no one asked about it.

Everyone looked at the photos, commenting on how beautiful you both looked that day. Your aunt asked you to allow her to take some new photos, since it was such a special date.

You guys sat on the sofa and posed for the portrait. You looked good, but you didn't seem like a couple celebrating such an important occasion.

Aunt: Yoongi, hug your wife!

Suga cleared his throat, moved a little closer to you and crossed his arm behind your back. She took the photo, but she asked for more poses. You tried in various ways.

Mom: These photos are very good. You look very cute, but you come out almost the same in all of them.

Aunt: It's true, let's try something else.

Suga felt worse than when he had photo shoots with Bangtan.

Mom: One more, do something different.

You looked into each other's eyes, desperate, you didn't know what to do. You got up from the sofa and sat on his lap. He looked at you in amazement, but he quickly grabbed your waist. The ladies were delighted with the pose.

Aunt: This one came out beautiful! I think we have it now.

You were about to get up from his lap, but your mom stopped you. He didn't take his hand away from your waist.

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