chapt. 1

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Pip was a romantic, a hopeless one at that.
He loved watching endless sit-coms where the main characters fall in and out of love, he cried every time he watched “Me Before You”, and Valentines Day was his favorite holiday.

Damien would say that Valentines Day was quite materialistic, and ask how a box of chocolates and a shit-ton of flowers were “love”. But to Pip, even though he never had gotten to be on the receiving end of these quote on quote, “meaningless gifts”, he still adored the idea of heartfelt confessions, or cute dates to a themepark.

Pip said that, once Damien falls in love with someone, he’ll understand how meaningful these traditions are. But, Damien knew he was wrong. Damien knew that “love” was a shitty, horrible, out righteous feeling, and he hated every moment of it.

He hated not being able to tell his so called “loved one”, he even loved him. He hated feeling like a coward, because he can’t admit to saying three, simple words. Love was, straight from hell and Damien wanted it so stop, badly. Damien wished it could be stopped, but he knew these mortal feelings couldn’t be reasoned with, especially when this crush of his was none other than Pip Philip Phirrip, the “annoying Brit”, as his schoolmates called him.

Damien knew that Philip was much more than that, that he didn’t deserve to be known for such less than his amazing attributes, his pretty, blue eyes, his golden, blond hair, or anything else about him, that could be pointed out, to Damien, he was perfect in every way possible, yet, he was enough of a coward to not stand up for his best friend, his only friend.

He thought that Pip deserved the world, and that’s why it was heartbreaking for Damien to know that he wasn’t it, he didn’t deserve Philip, he didn’t even stand a chance. Yet, as they say, “Hope is what caused the most despair.” As Damien knows that there’s no reason for Pip to love him, that stupid bit of hope still stands, with a box of chocolates in one hand and a flower bouquet in the other, or some other sappy shit like that.

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