Chapter One: The City

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A/N: This is all gonna be from no one in particular's POV, so pay attention to who's being talked about ^^

Wilbur's eyes slowly opened as he sat up and looked around. He was in the middle of what seems like a large city with a small cottage just ahead of him.

He stood up slowly, taking everything in - the sky was a light blue with clouds specking it here and there. All the roads were empty and the buildings seemed to be closed with no one in them. There were no people here. This place was abandoned.

"Yo, what the fuck-? How did we get here?"

Wilbur spun around only to see Jack Manifold getting up and looking around.

Wilbur shrugged. "No idea."

They sat there in silence as Jack looked around.

"Now what-?" Wilbur broke the silence.

"Let's just go somewhere safe just in case, I have no other ideas." Jack walked over to the cottage and scanned the doorway. "Wilbur, over here."

Wilbur walked to the cottage and looked at it intently. It's slanted wooden roof rested neatly on the cobblestone walls. "Hm, what's this doing in a city?"

"Dunno, but let's see what's inside," Jack said, walking in with curiosity.

Wilbur's wings twitched a bit as he reluctantly followed Jack in. "I don't know, this place gives me a bad feeling."

The cottage was trashed - pots and furniture were strewn everywhere, smashed and covered in dust. Wilbur and Jack looked around a bit before Jack screamed.


Wilbur turned to see Tina with her cat, Lucky on the ground next to her. "Uh- sorry-!"

Wilbur chuckled. "You're easy to scare," he said to Jack.

"It's alright, it's alright," Jack said to Tina, ignoring Wilbur's comment.

Tina picked up Lucky with her book in her arms. "Thank god I still have my book and Lucky."

Jack picked up a pot with an allium in it.

Tina looked at him. "What're you gonna do with that?"

"Water it, obviously," Jack scanned the pot for cracks. "It looks dry after all."

Tina looked around until her eyes fell on a Skephalo sign. "Okay-"

Jack followed her eyes. "Whoa wha-"

"What?" Wilbur looked at them and saw the sign. He laughed. "Who's house is this-? Why are Bad and Skeppy here-?"

"Does a printer exist in this place?" Jack asked, examining the sign.

Tina chuckled. "I don't know, but it looks like it was written by a person that starts with Q-"

Wilbur looked at Jack. "I'm not sure, I've never seen a printer on the SMP before."

Jack looked at Tina. "Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait - you mean Quackity?"

"Yeah, it looks like he wrote it." Tina remarked.

"Quackity-?" Wilbur's expression changed to serious.

Tina looked at Wilbur a bit confused. "Why did you get so serious all of a sudden when you heard about Quackity?"

Wilbur shook his head. "Nothing, it's fine. I just want to find why he was here."
"And teach that bitch a lesson," he mumbled quietly.

Tina looked at him, still confused. "Okay-?"

"Hm. Anyway let's look for something else and, you know, comment on it." Jack said, seemingly ignoring Wilbur and Tina's conversation.

"Tch, okay." Wilbur said, going further into the house.

Tina looked at wall and saw 'dnf' written all over it. "Why are random ships written everywhere-?" That's when she spotted a pot with 'tntduo' written on it. "Oh my god-"

575 words
Thank you for reading the first part! I'll get the second part up right tomorrow or the next day, make sure to check for it! Bye lovelies! ^^

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