I - A Trip to the Near Crash

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Even from the day I was born, I knew I was in an isolated place, though babies' brains aren't that developed, so what did I know? - Just that.

Dwygyfylchi, Wales, is a village within a country that is so remote I didn't even know some of my high school friends lived there. I knew two people from my primary school who still lived in the village.

I live with six other people in my house: Marc, my mum, Isabella, Matthew, Nicole, and Jac. My dad lives somewhere else—in an "okay" place in North Wales.

Dwygyfylchi has held a legend of these creatures called Animadectors; I have no idea what they are, but quite frankly, it's just bullshit anyway. But more to me and my mum:

I and my mum have a relationship that is on and off most of the time. She can be happy at one point and then not be; it's confusing to me.

I woke up; it's about ten in the morning on a Saturday.

Mum called me from the kitchen to get my breakfast. I walked into the kitchen.

"Have you heard from Dad?" I asked, hoping he'd text me once in a while but at the same time wishing he wouldn't bother and you'll see why.

"No, I haven't," my mum said, as well as putting a plate of pancakes in front of me. "And anyway, do you even like him? He's homophobic, right?"

I didn't know what to say because I knew my dad was homophobic. I just don't want to think about something so predictable, especially on a weekend.

It's Halloween in two and a half days, and I just know we're going to be learning about Animadectors in school on Monday. But to end a bad school day, a friend's night awaits.

I heard a BING sound from my mum's phone.

"Is it, dad?" I asked.

"For once, yes, it is," she responded, "and he said he'll be picking you up in an hour."

I slammed the table with my hands, and at the same time, I got a little wooden splinter from it.

"Nothgiel! Where are you going?" my mum shouted to me.

"To pack my stuff!" I shouted back in an angry tone.

I ran to my room to go and pack. As I was packing, I heard the door open.

"What is it, Noth?" My mother asked with a bit of empathy in her throat.

"You know dad's homophobic! I haven't seen him in ages, and I don't really want to see him!" I said to my mum with tears in my eyes as I turned around.

"He doesn't know you're gay, and the reason is -- yes -- you haven't seen him in quite some time." Mum carried on and kneeled down on one knee to wipe the tears off of my face, saying, "Anyway, Noth, you have much more in life than your dad. Yes, he's your dad. Doesn't mean you avoid him all your life; just keep it a secret until you have the courage to tell him."

"Okay, I'll go and see him." I spoke.

Mum then walked out of my room to let me finish packing all my clothes, electronics, my toothbrush, and other various items.

I had packed, and it struck eleven o'clock on the grandfather clock sitting in the front room. As soon as it did, I heard my dad shout from outside, "You in there, son?"

Before I responded, I thought to myself, Why do I need to go to my Dad's nearly every weekend? I am of a sexual orientation that differs from his, and he's homophobic; why do I have to act straight so he's happy? I wiped it off and shouted, "I'll be a minute!"

I walked outside to see my dad with a smile on his face.

"You excited for Halloween's Eve with me, Noth?" My dad said that I didn't know what day it was.

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