chapter 6

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Me and y/n are watching Dickinson and after a few episodes I get questioned

"Hey so I was wondering this house is big and has alot of rooms do you ever use them?" Y/n asks

Shit. Well she's gonna find out sooner or later I guess I better tell her now "Sometimes but there is something I wanna say"

"Go on" y/n says

"Well-" I get cut off by a knock on the door ugh. Who could that be

I walk down stairs and open the door

"CLINT YOUR BACK!" I scream of excitement forgetting y/n is behind me

I turn around and see y/n look abit confused but before I could say anything y/n speaks

"Oh hey, you again well it's nice to run into you again I'm Clint. Clinton Barton" he says

"Oh uh hey I'm y/n. Y/n y/l/n" she introduces herself

Wait what? "You know eachother?" I question

"Oh ye she ran into me a couple days ago and was lost wanted to know the way to a hotel so I helped her out" Clint says

"Oh ok" I reply

Time skip to the end of chapter 5 because why not

As me and y/n are watching Dickinson I feel her cuddle into my side and when I see she's asleep I start to smile abit and I decided to turn off the tv eventually drifting off aswell

       Time skip to morning

I wake up to see y/n still asleep next to me I instantly smile to myself

"Kids breakfast" Laura shouts

I tap t/ns shoulder to try wake her but it doesn't work so I nudge her and that doesn't work either so I decide to go downstairs and eat and put y/ns food away for later or try to at least.

As I go downstairs I see everyone sat around the table eating

"Hey where's y/n?" Clint questions

"Oh she's still asleep is it ok if she eats her breakfast later?" I ask

"Ye of course we'll put it away so when she wants it she can have it" Laura says

"Ok thank you" I reply

A few minutes go by as we are all just eating peacefully then I get questioned

"So who is y/n then?" Lila questions

"She's been my best friend since birth out parents were really close and so was we then she moved away and we couldn't keep in contact so we kind of lost each other" I reply

"Oh well I'm glad you found each other again" Lila responds

"Ye so am I" I say letting out a sigh of relief and realisation that my best friend is back

"To be honest she is really pretty and cute" cooper says smiling at which I'm guessing are his thoughts about her

"Ye I guess" I respond not wanting to say much 

"Ah what you don't think so?" Cooper questions

"No no of course I do but"

"But what?" Cooper cuts me off

"I don't know" I say sighing

We all finish eating and I go up to my room and see y/n awake on the bed

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