First-Class Lawyer

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Title: First- Class Lawyer
Author: Mu Su Li


Yan Suizhi, the young and accomplished dean of the interstellar Maze University’s law school, wakes up in a body that has been gene-modified to resemble that of a twenty-something-year-old. He had supposedly ‘died’ in a premeditated explosion a few months ago but someone had managed to save him. In his search for his saviour as well as his murderer, Yan Suizhi encounters his former student, Gu Yan, who is now a successful lawyer at Southcross Law Firm.

Shared universe:

**Me: it's Sci-fi, settings is during the just established peaceful Interstellar World, not as advanced as others but still they have flying cars. The characters are both Lawyers, and they are uncovering the secret organization that is related to gene modification and the "death" of Dean Yan.

Can't deny it's interesting yet boring at the same time. Don't blame me, the main plot is abit slow and not much fluff cause it's Shounen Ai. The novel shows the world of Lawyers and the Court, it almost inspired me to be a lawyer.  It gives knowledge about Laws, human rights, what to do and what not do in court or once taken into the police station.

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