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Hondo and I made our way back to the main room where the rest of the team were gathered around a table with some files and papers.

Deacon: Hey, we don't write the music, we just play it.

Hondo: It's wrong. Taking the fight to South L.A. is just wrong.

I went and stood in between Luca and Chris. I knew Luca immediately saw the bruise on my knuckles since he gently placed his hand over mine.

Hondo: It won't work.

Deacon: Well, those are the orders.

Hondo looked kind of conflicted but I knew he had somewhat of a plan.

Hondo: And this is my team. Hicks wants to fire me, let him fire me. But we're gonna go a different way.

Deacon: Which way is that?

Hondo: We treat 'em like family.

We all kind of looked looked at each other. We all agreed and it was a good thing to do.

We all separated into cars and made our way over to a hair salon.

I was with Luca.

Luca: Hey, what happened to your hand? It's pretty badly bruised.

Nailea: Don't worry about it Luca.

Luca: Come on, talk to me.

I just sighed.

Nailea: Buck was terminated without any investigation and he believes that was okay and he deserves everything that is happening. I just don't understand how any of this could happen.

I ran my hand throw my hair.

Luca: I agree, none of this should be happening but there really isn't anything we can do which sucks but that's just the way it is.

Nailea: I know.

We pulled up to the salon and all got out and walked inside. I waved to some ladies in a hair chair and I could hear them talking about who could be for there friends which caused me to let out a little giggle.

We got to the front desk and Hondo started speaking to one of his what I assume was his old friend. She was pretty and seemed nice.

We just kind of looked around and waited.

Hondo finished speaking to Jemelle and I looked over to see a lady waving at Deacon flirtatiously which caused me to give him a little playful shove.

Our next stop was a grocery shop. Hondo went in and we waited outside in a group. Hondo then walked out with Shorty and passed him some money.

Hondo: Dogs for all my guys, please.

Shorty took the money and stood in front of us.

Hondo: You know when you witness a crime, you're supposed to tell the police.

Shorty: Brother, I ain't seen no crime.

Hondo: Oh, yeah? Then why'd you text this to Penny girl?
He showed him the message.

Shorty: You talk to Penny? What she say about me?

I just shook my head. This guy was actually serious.

Hondo: Come on now, you know you got to say something to me first. What did you see Shorty?

He sighed.

Shorty: I was setting up down the road from the park. Figured I'd make a couple dollars, you know, 'cause the rally was going on. Heard some shots, thirty seconds later, tow truck come ripping past me.

Always been you~Donovan RockerWhere stories live. Discover now