Like holy shit, this man’s almost died.

It’s safe to say, (m/n) was dangerous.

Dangerously hot and sweet.


“Now that the camp has finished… everyone… EAT UP!!!” Nekomata grinned as all the teams that were present cheered and immediately dug into their barbecue which they had all been looking forward to for so long. Kageyama scarfed down his food in a matter of seconds, leading him to choke on his food. He desperately looked for some water, that is until a cup was placed right in front of his face. Kageyama looked up to see (m/n) holding the cup of water, which the dark-haired male gladly took and drank the clear substance to save himself from the food that had choked him.

“You need to slow down Tobio-chin, you’re going to kill yourself if you don’t.” (m/n) smiled as he took a bite out of the meat.

“S-Sorry…” Kageyama said quietly, blushing in embarrassment. Kageyama looked over at (m/n). Hinata hadn’t been the only one to notice (m/n) slip away from the group, and he had watched Hinata chase after (m/n). As much as Kageyama wanted to follow (m/n) he didn’t, he figured that having one person was enough to go after (m/n). I’m sure he’ll only allow one person; why else would he hide whatever secret he has? Kageyama had thought at the time. “(m/n) where were you and that boke, Hinata, earlier?” The raven head asked.

(M/n) looked down at Kageyama, seeing a slightly envious expression wing across his face. (m/n) simply chuckled and ruffled his head.

“He just offered me to walk back to the room before everyone. It does get quite rowdy in the room, and I was way too tired and hungry to be dealing with them.” (m/n) smiled, the lie rolling off his tongue swiftly and smoothly. Not a single ounce of hesitation in his tone and gesture.

(m/n) is a liar.

A good liar.

But even liars get exposed.



“Let go of (m/n)!”

“Hell no! I’d rather die!”

“Lev, I swear to god—!”

“You called?”

“Not the time Asahi!”

“Kuroo! Don’t make me hose you!”

“Bokuto-San I’ve kindly asked you to let go of (m/n) already.”

“No! I refuse to let go!”

“Hey! (m/n) is ours! You can’t just keep him!!”

“Wha!? Even you Kenma?!”

What… the hell is happening…? Ukai asked himself as he had just watched Kuroo, Lev, Bokuto and even Kenma latch onto (m/n) who was doing nothing but bashfully smiling and politely asking them to let go of him.

A fight! It’s a fight! W-We h-h-have to do s-something or (m/n) i-is g-going to d-d-die!! Yachi thought as she looked at her surroundings trying to find something that’s help (m/n)’s situation but found nothing. Fight on (m/n)! You shall be remembered. Yachi thought as she saluted, receiving a weird gaze from Kiyoko who stood beside her.

“Come on guys… I really can’t stay with you… I don’t even live in Tokyo, not anymore at least.” (m/n) gently stated earning sad looks from the teens that had latched themselves onto him like glue. “I know that I’m going but we can always stay in contact, right?” (m/n) waved his phone beside him with a small smile. “So don’t be sad, I’ll see you guys the next time I come to Tokyo, I promise!”

“Then that better be on the court!” Kuroo and Bokuto loudly declared with a huff.

(M/n) looked at the two males then back at Lev and Kenma who simply nodded. The (h/c) haired male merely sighed and nodded with a small smile.

“Alright.” He said to satisfy them.
The four then let go of (m/n) who was immediately bombarded by the Karasuno team, checking to see if their precious crow was okay and unharmed. Sugawara proceeded to hose the four away from (m/n) which made Daichi use up all the strength he had left in him to stop the silver-haired male from his hosing rampage.

I really need to remember to stop him from going anywhere near hoses… Daichi thought as he held Sugawara back, ripping the hose right out of his grip and dragged him back over to the bus.

(M/n) turned to his two childhood friends and smiled, he brought them both into a tight hug and looked at both in the eyes.

“I’ll be sure to keep our promise, okay?” (m/n) asked.

Akaashi and Yaku looked at one another before nodding, (m/n) grinned and gave them both a fist bump before approaching the bus with the last of his stuff being shoved in the back.

“Alright, everyone on the bus!” Ukai called out to the other remaining members that were finalising their goodbye’s to the other members of the teams. As Ukai waited for the last of the members to get on the bus, he turned to Nekomata who simply grinned and offered his hand for a handshake. “Thank you for inviting us here Nekomata-San.” Ukai said with a smile.

“Pleasures all mine,” Nekomata said, “your team needed this training camp. I only hope they can use what they’ve learned here for the past week to overcome their challenges and hone their new skills to the best of their abilities.”

“Of course, they’re fighters.” Ukai proudly stated.

“And one more thing… that boy, if he does ever intend to join your team, be sure to tame him.” Nekomata noted and walked off to wave goodbye with the others, leaving Ukai in slight confusion.

(m/n) turned away from Bokuto and Kuroo, getting ready to leave.

“Bokuto-San he needs to go now.” Akaashi calmly stated, ignoring Bokuto’s whines.

“Well… until next time little crow and be careful~” Kuroo cooed as a sly smirk graced his face.

(m/n) simply smiled and pulled Kuroo close to his face, “I think you’re the one that needs to be careful, predator~” (m/n) whispered in his ear, his breath brushing against Kuroo’s ear making the rooster head blush profusely at the close proximity.
(m/n) gently pushed Kuroo away before licking his lips and biting the air.

How can someone be so fucking sexy holy shit—I’m gonna die ahhsnfnfepo— Kuroo’s face erupted in a colour of a deep hue of red as smoke came out of his head. (m/n) chuckled before boarding the bus with Sugawara and Daichi being the last ones to get in.

Once they had all gotten in, Ukai closed the door and drove away with Karasuno waving and shouting their goodbyes through the window with everyone else returning the gesture.

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