A Demons Butterfly

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"Doctor! I need you down here stat and make it as quick as possible"

A young woman with straight long black hair comes down, if you didn't know it, you'd think she was one of the sweetest people ever.

"Lilly, I need you to get him out of here, perfably knock him out and bring him back to earth please."

"As you wish my liege, though if I might why didn't you harm him?"

"Because, I told Star that I would be a better man. I'm not going to betray her trust ever again. Sides, I get the feeling that Marco will become important to me as well in the future, just as he is to Star."

With that I turned around and headed back to Star, waking her up out of her protected bubble. Can't be sleeping on a day of unity now can we? Let's get this party started once more!

"Hey Starship, it's okay now, you can wake up, he's not here no more"

Star's Pov:

I can't believe Marco! He, he just lunged at me and tried to grab me but then Tom got in his way. Tom! He, he gave me a kiss, and then I started feeling really sleepy. What happened?

"Hey Tom, what happened? Why was I asleep, where is Marco, please tell me you didn't kill him but also please tell me he's gone,

He sets me back down to where I can stand but I lean on him for support, my legs feel like Jello!

"Okay let's see, Marco came running at you, I made sure he couldn't get to you and put you in a protective barrier after maybe causing you to fall asleep. I saw how upset you were getting and I was worried about you having a panic attack or nearly getting in the cross fire. Then he decided that he wanted to fight me, actually got me once with a dagger actually."

"He hurt you! Are you okay? Where, why did he try to attack you"

"I'm okay Starship, it was just to the back of my shoulder, and because he thinks I am trying to manipulate you into getting back together with me, and it also appears to me that he thinks that you are his, needless to say he wasn't to happy when this 'demon scum' in his words told him that you already knew about the ball before we went to start dancing. Also yes he is gone, no he is not dead, by now he should be back at his house on Earth, though I make no promises on how he might act later in regards to me. I doubt I left any reason for him to think otherwise about my lingeage, especially when I pulled out the dagger like it was nothing."

Well okay, not completely the best night but Marco's not dead, Tom's okay, and honestly Marco could probably deal with a bit of humbling after what kind of stunt he just pulled. Everyone seems to be back on the floor and not away to the sides, so I guess that means that the ball is still on right?

"So Starship, I know a lot has happened tonight, and I understand if you decide you want to just go back home and sleep, but would you care for a dance?"

"You know what Tom, I would love a dance after everything that just happened. Let's have some fun! Though could I crash at your place for the night? I don't really want to go back to Marco's house just yet."

"Yes you can sleepover we can make arrangements for that once the ball is over, and you are most definitely right, let's have some fun!"

The music turns back on, and Tom and I twirl, spin, and occasionally I get flown into the air, it really is the most fun, and then I feel something warm on my skin. It's the light of the blood moon and, it's shining on Tom and I!

Okay wow, I mean I'm not ready to go straight back into a relationship with him but I do like him, and I know he'll keep me safe. Yeah it's going to be okay, just focus on Tom. Because at the end of the day, I do want to be his girlfriend, I just want to take things slow. A wave of joy buzzes through me and I look towards Tom in shock.

"Was, was that you I felt? The like slow almost electric like feeling of joy?"

He just laughs and nods, and different emotions start flooding through. Safety, Comfort, Contentment, and if I didn't know better, I would even say love. I guess right now he's feeling all of the nerves and fear I had from just now and earlier. It's nice, relaxing even to be able to calm my feelings through this. I didn't know what this would be like but it really is nice.

The light of the blood moon fades, the guests slip away, and Tom and I start getting ready for the night. My room which is right night to his, has already been prepared for me, and I can see some cute stuffed animals making quite the contrast to the dark colored bed. We bid each other good night, him reminding me that he's only a door away, and I hop into bed realizing that these covers smell just like him. I fall asleep happy. 

Word Count: 1780

A/N: Soo was that an okay recreation of the blood moon ball? Was it to much? As always hope you enjoyed it! If I wasn't working on the time giving about the moon I so would have not let Marco off so easily...

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